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Fairy Tail [always updated]


IndoForum Senior A
No. Urut
6 Jun 2006
Nilai reaksi

Setelah kesuksesan komik Rave Sensei Hiro Mashima kemudian membuat cerita ke 2 yang berjudul Fairy Tail, ini sebagian besar ceritanya

Cerita Fairy Tail menceritakan petualangan utama peran Natsu dan Lucy, yang kadang-kadang ditemani oleh teman-temannya anggota guild fairy tail.

Pada walanya,Lucy adalah seorang penyihir yang ingin bergabung dengan Guild Fairy Tail. Dalam perjalanannya dia bertemy natsu,seorangbocah yang sedang mencari Ignel sang Salamander. Luccy Menawarkan makan dan Natsu menceritakan bahwa Ignel adalah seorang naga. Lucy Berbicara mengenai impiannya yaitu bergabung ke sebuah guild yang terkenal, yang dimana akhirnya dia memutus kan ke fairy tail. Lalu dia di tipu dan and diculik oleh Bora untuk dijual sebagai seorang budak. dia di tolong oleh natsu, yang dimana salamander yang asli, dan anggota asli dari guild fairy tail. Natsu menawarkan lucy untuk bergabung ke guild fairy tail. Lucy dengan senang setuju bergabung. Sejak itu, Natsu dan Lucy menjadi sebuah tim. Hingga mulailah petualangan dengan berbagai misi dari guild Fairy tail.

Nah yang penggemar rave mungkin bisa kembali membaca karangan sensei Hiro ^0^, Sekarang sih di Indonesia Udah sampai Volume 3 kalo ga salah saya ga tau mungkin dah muncul volume 4, Fairy Tail Juga Di Muat di Shonen Magz.... :D :D
agak mirip haru tapi warna rambutnya kacau
mirip elie tapi tambah seksi /omg
iya hahaha ceritanya mayan bagus kok pake sihir ntar besok aku post chara nya ya
baguss buanget, ada guildnya lo mirip kek RO tapi beda huehue

dah muncul kok di Indonesia menunggu jilid 5 lama gak keluar2
oke sekarang kita bahas characternya!

Natsu Dragonil

Natsu Dragonil (ナツ ドラグニル Natsu Doraguniru) adalah karakter laki-laki utama di cerita ini. Dia memiliki rambut merah dan dia adalah anggota dari guild fairy tail.Sihirnya berhubungan dengan api,membuat dia menjadi seorang penyihir api.Apa yang terjadi pada orangtua natsu tidak di ketahui.Seekor naga bernama Ignel menemukan Natsu di dalam sebuah hutan dimana dia tinggal dan sejak saat itu Ignel merawat Natsu seperti anaknya sendiri.Igneel belajar semuanya dari belajar menulis,dunia diluar hutan,dan juga gaya sihir Natsu,Dragon Slayer,Sebuah gaya dimana untuk membunuh naga-naga.[3] Walaupun itu adalah sebuah misteri mengapa Igneel,yang dimana naga,mau mengajarkan gaya bertarung yang berhubungan dengan pembasmi naga.Kekuatan natsu terlihat bertambah sesuai dengan emosi, agar jelas dari pertarungannya dengan Eligor.Natsu .Natsu adalah salah satu yang lebih terkemuka anggota dari Fairytailmdan panggilannya "Salamander",walaupun panggilan ini cocok untuk Igneel.Stamp Membernya berada di pundak kanannya

Meskipun akting sering kali seperti suatu orang bodoh yang senang bersuka ria, Natsu menunjukkan saksi besar di dalam pertempuran nya, menemukan kelemahan lawan-lawan nya dan membuat strategi untuk menghalangi rencana-rencana yang jahat dari musuh nya, seperti(ketika menunjukkan selama perkelahian miliknya dengan Yuuka dan Toby di pulau Garuna, dan melawan terhadap Reitei Leon dan imam jahat nya bersekutu. Ia juga tidak meragukan untuk menaruh hidup nya dengan segera untuk selamatkan satu teman nya di Fairy Tail, seperti ia lakukan atas Macau dan Gray.

Sementara perkelahian dengan Zarti yang diungkapkan Pembunuh Ular Naga Natsu itu dipertimbangkan Lost Magic oleh karena itu adalah kekuatan bersifat merusak. Sieglein mempunyai ingat untuk Natsu, tetapi untuk apa Sieglein adalah persisnya merencanakan karena Natsu masih suatu misteri.

nama Nya, Natsu (夏) bermakna "musim panas" di Jepang.

Natsu mabuk kalau naik mobil dan lain-lain yang menderita penyakit ketika ia menunggangi berbagai gaya-gaya transportasi, termasuk kereta-kereta, perahu-perahu, dan kereta-kereta, tetapi tidak menderita penyakit ini ketika bergerak ke atas Happy, karena ia mempertimbangkan; menganggap Happy miliknya "nakama", bukan transportasi.

Natsu mempunyai kemampuan itu untuk makan api, meskipun [demikian] ia tidak akan makan api nya sendiri. Ketika Lucy minta(tanya mengapa ia tidak akan makan api nya sendiri, ia menjawab "Akan anda makan milik mu 'Plue' atau 'Banteng'?" Lucy menjawab bahwa dia tidak akan yang kemudian Natsu menjawab berkata bahwa mereka adalah sama.

Lucy Heartphilia

Lucy (ルーシイ・ハートフィリア Rūshi Hatofiria) adalah suatu penyihir dan karakter wanita utama dari Fairy Tail. Dia berumur tujuh belas. Pada awal rangkaian, Lucy adalah satu orang baru yang mempunyai keinginan bergabung dengan Fairy Tail. setelah Yang ditolong oleh Natsu dari lelehan air liur, dia diundang untuk ber/menggabung dengan serikat sekerja dan mempunyai di regu Natsu sejak. Lucy mempraktekkan Stellar Spirit sihir, suatu ketrampilan yang mengizinkan[membiarkan nya untuk memanggil minuman keras dari dunia yang lain menggunakan Keys dari Gates. Stellar Spirits nya mempunyai bermacam-macam tingkat kuasa(tenaga, dengan nya yang berbeda cocok untuk tugas-tugas yang berbeda. Aquarius, sebagai contoh, dapat mengendalikan air, selagi Taurus mempunyai kekuatan mahabesar. Beserta kunci-kunci nya, dia juga membawa di sekitar suatu cambuk/kuasa, yang dia adalah sungguh pandai dengan. Lucy juga menunjukkan minat akan sambungan Fairy Tail menyaingi serikat sekerja Phantom Lord karena mereka hanyalah sama Fairy Tail yang memalukan seperti, meskipun [demikian] sekarang ini dia gembira bahwa dia gabung[kan Fairy Tail[4]

Kepribadian bijaksana, Lucy sepertinya adalah stabilnya dari paling semua majalah/gudang senjata Fairy Tail. Dia mempunyai sejumlah akal sehat yang majalah/gudang senjata Fairy Tail yang lain kelihatannya kepada kekurangan, dan sering juga perlu untuk menunjuk kebodohan dari Natsu dan yang lainnya. Kekurangan kepribadian nya satu-satunya yang riil adalah suatu jumlah yang tertentu dari yang sia-sia. Dia adalah diri sendiri digambarkan mempunyai mempunyai keyakinan besar di dalam daya tarik sex nya. Lucy juga mempunyai suatu kasih untuk literatur. Dia adalah sedang dalam proses roman penulisan nya sendiri sekitar petualangan-petualangan mengalami di Fairy Tail. Dia juga mempunyai mengeluarkan dengan ayah nya, yang dia tidak menyukai. keluarga Lucy, Heartphilia, adalah salah satu [dari] keluarga-keluarga konglomerat yang paling kaya di dalam negeri Fiore.

Stamp anggota lucy berada di belakangan tangan kanannya

Emas Menyetem: Emas menyetem bersifat sangat jarang, dan terbuka gerbang-gerbang dari "Sodiak/bintang Yang Orbit Matahari". Masing-masing kunci emas mempunyai simbol Zodiac dari satu yang yang digunakan untuk memanggil di atasnya. Menurut Lucy, ada hanya 12 emas menyetem.

Aquarius: Aquarius adalah suatu putri duyung yang berambut panjang dengan tiga menembus di masing-masing sisi dari ekor nya. Dari apa yang berusaha nya, dia adalah egois, mempunyai seorang kawan pria, dan kelihatannya tidak menyukai Lucy. Dia dikenal sebagai "Water-Bearer"

Canser: Kelihatan sebagai suatu orang dengan gaya sendiri rambut genangan dengan kacamata hitam, memanfaatkan pasang kuku binatang gunting dan ketam membentuk rambut. Ia mempunyai enam crab-legs yang besar bahwa keluar dari punggung nya. Ketika ia dipanggil, tujuan Canser Taruhan berbahagia itu semua kalimat nya dengan kani (ketam), tetapi benar-benar, Canser tujuan semua kalimat nya dengan ebi (udang). Ia dikenal sebagai "Crab".

Taurus: Taurus adalah suatu minotaur (bincerita Junani) dengan suatu mantel splotched hitam dan yang putih dan suatu cincin pada hidung hewan, seperti itu dari seekor banteng. Ia memakai suatu speedo, dengan sarung tangan dengan perban-perban membungkus di sekitar lengan bawah nya, sepatu boot setinggi lutut, suatu krah baju dengan sebagian orang jenis etiket yang menggantung daripadanya, dan suatu tali pengikat di sekitar dada/peti nya untuk pegang(jaga senjata nya, suatu raksasa, dua kampak yang berdaun empat. Ia adalah suatu orang sesat, seperti ketika ia pertama dipanggil, sebagai ganti suatu sambutan yang tradisional, ia berterima kasih dada-dada Lucy. Ia dikenal sebagai "Bull".

Virgo: Virgo adalah suatu pelayan wanita yang mempunyai belenggu-belenggu dan rantai-rantai di sekitar terowongan pergelangan tangan dan kaleng yang bawah tanah nya. Dia dapat mengambil bentuk apapun tentang segala penampilan-penampilan wanita tergantung pada pilihan master itu. Dia pertama dilihat dengan Duke dari Evaroo sebagai suatu pelayan wanita raksasa kelebihan berat dengan satu muka yang buruk. Ketika kepemilikan dari kunci nya yang diswitch ke(pada penampilan Lucy nya berubah jadi suatu versi indah/cantik dan yang ramping. Dia mengacu pada Lucy seperti(ketika "Nyonya rumah; gundik", tetapi Lucy tidak menginginkan nya untuk memanggil bahwa maka Virgo yang diusulkan untuk mengacu pada Lucy seperti(ketika "Puteri".

Sagittarius: Meskipun [demikian] penampilan nya belum diungkapkan Lucy katakan ia akan nampak seperti apa suatu Centaur. Lucy juga negara bahwa ia adalah satu pemanah. kunci emas Sagittarius diperoleh setelah penyelesaian sukses membersihkan godaan kutukan Garuna Island.

Perak Menyetem: Perak menyetem [secara] wajar umum dan dapat diborong [gudang/ toko]. Masing-masing mempunyai suatu simbol yang kecil yang adalah deskriptif dari apa [yang] panggilan itu.

Hal sangat penting: Tidak nampak masih, digambarkan sebagai "Southern Cross"

Horologium: Horologium adalah suatu jam yang besar dengan lengan, kaki-kaki, dan suatu muka (di permukaan jam). Ada suatu bidang besar cukup di dalam itu untuk Lucy untuk bersembunyi?menyembunyikan, dan sekali dalam tubuh nya, Horologium akan pembicaraan untuk nya, berakhir setiap kalimat-kalimat dengan "...dia berkata". Ia digambarkan sebagai "Clock".

Lyra: Pertama-tama muncul di dalam bab 28, dia memakai suatu topi perempuan, suatu pakaian, dan mempunyai sayap-sayap di punggung nya. Dia dapat bernyanyi tentang perasaan orang-orang, seperti ketika dia bernyanyi suatu lagu tentang Gray, menyebabkan dia untuk menangis/berteriak. Dia juga mengambil permintaan-permintaan. Dia kelihatannya untuk memahami tentang pesona sihir ketika dia mengatakan kepada kelompok sekitar sihir bulan itu, tetes bulan, dan bagaimana itu dapat mengalahkan setiap mantera sihir. Digambarkan sebagai "Lyre".

Nicola Canis Minor: " Nicola" (Plue yang dinamai kembali oleh Lucy), kelihatannya Plue yang sama dari pekerjaan manga-ka yang sebelumnya. Natsu kelihatannya mempunyai kemampuan itu untuk memahami dia.


Happy (ハッピー Happī) is a very good friend of Natsu's, a cat with some magical power allowing him to speak. He can temporarily grow wings on his back and fly, he can carry one person at a time in this form. He's very close to Natsu and becomes friends with Lucy quickly. Happy appears to be a full fledge member of Fairy Tail, and even has a member stamp. It is not yet revealed if talking animals are common in the Fairy Tail manga world, or if Happy is a mage that's simply been transformed into a cat.

Happy, like his name suggests, is mostly always in a happy state. Even when in the face of danger he keeps a smile on his face. When Lucy crashed along with Angelic and Sherry in the middle of Garuna Island Happy suggested that Lucy might be dead without any change in his facial expression. Though if Erza is in an enraged state Happy is quick to suck up to her so he won't be "punished".
It turns out after Evaroo was sent to jail, Virgo's contract with him broke and that she visited Happy sometime afterward to tell him that she wanted Lucy to be her new master.
Because Happy is a cat, he is unfamiliar with sweat. When Lucy was afraid, he noted that Lucy "Produced juice".

Segini dulu ini adalah karakter utama....
gaya gambarnya itu sama bgt ya... cuma model2 rambut dan pakeannya aja yang dibedain...
akankah seperti rave ceritanya??
bang kalo one piece itu eichiro oda /heh ini hiro mishima /wah /wah
edit... maksudnya rave... =))
abis gw lagi buka2 masalah pollnya one piece.,. jadi keketik one piece juga de:))

halah halah
profilenya yang mirip si elie
pake ukuran" "BADAN" segala lagi -_-" /swt
ntar saya post semua anggota guild fairy tail /wah /wah mesti di translate
plue itu anjing ya? liat aja profilenya happy -_-"
oh iya disini plue muncul lagi loh hahaha lucu dia muncul sebagai summonnya si Luccy

oke saya post lagi anggota fairy tail

Gray Fullbuster

Gray Fullbuster (グレイ Gurei) is a member of the Fairy Tail guild, and is often accused of being an exhibitionist. He's eighteen. While he doesn't seem to enjoy showing off his body, he does tend to lose or forget his clothes quite often. He and Natsu have a friendly rivalry, and can often be seen fighting one another. He practices ice alchemy, and Lucy suggests that this is the reason that he and Natsu don't get along. His member stamp is underneath his collarbone.

During the Lullaby of Death events, he fights and defeats, with his ice magic, Rayure, one of the Eisenwald Guild. After Natsu defeats Shinigami Eligor, and the evil spirit from the Lullaby of Death is awakened, he fights along side with Natsu and Erza. Together they win against the spirit.

After Natsu, Happy and Lucy run off with an S-Class mission, Gray is sent by the Master to retrieve them. He finds them, and engages Natsu in a fight in order to defeat him and bring him back to the guild house, however, the battle is interrupted by a fisherman who asks them if they are there to destroy the curse, and invites them in his boat.

Despite not wanting to follow, as his purpose was to bring Natsu, Happy, and Lucy back, he is rendered unconscious by Natsu and dragged on with them to the S-Class mission. On the island, he agrees to join them on the mission because as he puts it, "It'd irritate me if you guys get to the second floor first. And if you guys get expelled, then that'd be boring.

On the island, some of Gray's past is revealed. The person who taught him his magic was a woman named Ur, who supposedly gave her life in order to seal the demon called Deliora. Another of Ur's students has also shown himself, Reitei Leon, who says that it was Gray who killed Ur, although Gray stated that she's still alive. Ur made Leon and Gray train in very cold conditions in nothing but his underwear, which is where Gray picked up his unusual habit of undressing in public without even realizing it. Gray attempts to use Iced Shell twice, on Leon, then Deliora, but was stopped twice by Natsu. He and everyone else found out that although Deliora was revived, he was long dead. He says that Ur lives on now as water in the ocean.

In recent chapters, he is seen restraining Natsu when Erza uses her Herculean armor to protect the guild, and afterwards brings her to safety. Later on, he is seen helping Natsu by freezing Totomaru's arm, and is accompanied by Elfman.

Soon later, he finds one of the Elemental Four, Jubia the woman of the Rain. Engaging into battle with an awkward beginning of Jubia quickly retreating after immediately blushing at the sight of Gray. However, she turns back and immediately engulfs him in her water after making a decision that she must make Gray hers. She immediately panics as Gray's wounds opens, and the battle drags on with Gray clearly having the upper hand. This is however changed when Jubia had a misunderstanding with Gray claiming that he will not hand Lucy over even if it costs him his life. Lucy now Jubia's rival in love, she begins attacking with boiling hot water.

After several attempts, it seems as though his ice is useless against Jubia's steaming hot water. Though he was then successful, he immediately let Jubia out of the ice once he realized the awkward position they were in. Jubia is once again angered when Gray states that the rain is depressing, reminding Jubia of similar comments in her past. The battle continues, with Gray finishing off with Ice Geyser. Not only does Ice Geyser freeze the volume of boiling water as well as Jubia, he also freezes and stops the rain.

As the ice shatters and Jubia lies on the ground, it is for the first time that she witnesses the clear sky. Gray asks if she wishes to continue the fight, though she only faints out of happiness. Not long later, Mirajane and Elfman find him.

Erza Scarlet

Erza (エルザ・スカーレツト, Eruza Sukāretto) According to Happy and Mirajane, Erza Scarlet is a very strong mage in Fairy Tail (one of the four strongest over all and the strongest woman to be precise) and wears an armoured suit. Erza appears to be a very strict person, often criticizing the bad behavior and habits of the other guild members, causing most members to apologize for fear that they might invoke her wrath. She likes people who answers quickly to her questions. Her strength is so great that even strong mages such as Natsu and Gray fear her; in fact, Natsu and Gray fear her so much that they pretend to get along in her presence even though they normally tend to bicker. Despite her great strength, she recruits Natsu and Gray for her next mission. Mirajane comments about that team being the strongest to be formed in the Fairy Tail guild. Happy said that Erza's magic is beautiful because it causes a huge amount of blood to spill from her opponents.

Erza is nineteen year old a sword mage who uses a magic sword and uses Ex-quip, a type of magic that swaps weapons and armor, at will. Her strongest magic so far consists in a transformation in an armored knight after ex-quipping her magic armor, surrounded by many swords, which are thrown against opponents; it is called "The Knight", earning her nicknamed "Erza the Titania". Erza has a second magic armor form. In this second form, she only uses one sword and has wings like a bat attached to the armor. One of the Guild Master that witnessed this, said Erza's second armor apparently is used as a one-hit attack to take down opponents.

After the fight against the evil spirit hidden in the Lullaby, she agrees to fight with Natsu. In their battle, Erza changes into an armor called the "Flame Emperor's Armor" and is said to be flame resistant. While in this outfit, her hair is tied in two high ponytails and there is no armor on her shoulders, rather more on her limbs. The boots resemble something like a dragon's feet. While they are fighting, a messenger from the Council arrives, with the order to arrest Erza, for the damages caused in the last Fairy Tail battle. She seems to have some kind of connection to Sieglein, as shown when she was being guided to the trial. Sieglein told her to never tell others about a particular incident. After the encounter, she states that Sieglein is evil.

Recently, she traveled to Garuna Island by forcing a ship crew to take her there. She then first found Lucy and rescued her from Angelica. Erza then tied up both Lucy and Happy and went to the refugee camp. There she met with Gray and tried forcing him to go home, but Gray stood his ground and told her that he'll do what he wants to. This angered Erza even more but she eventually caved in and joined the rest of the team to complete the S-class mission.

In chapter 52, another set of armor is shown, the Herculean Armor, which is said to have a high level of defense, able to withstand a blast of magic fired by the Phantom Guild's cannon, Jupiter. However, even though she saved the guild, she was rendered unable to fight from the blast.

Although it hasn't been fully explored, it is implied that Natsu, Erza, and Gray are all very close too each other. While staying over Lucy's house, Erza revealed that the three of them used to take showers together, but it isn't said how long ago that was. While Erza was nonchalant about it, both Natsu and Gray seemed slightly flustered when the subject was brought up.
She wears Heart Kreuz armor, custom made.
It's shown that her sword is also custom made by Heart Kreuz.[5]


Elfman (エルフマン Erufuman) is often quoted saying "Men should solve their problem with their fists" and believes that men should be strong, no matter what the situation is. He feels like this most likely because he failed to protect his younger sister, Lisana, from dying in the past. His magic is called Take Over and it allows him to absorb the power of monsters he defeated into his arm. With this magic he's nicknamed Beast Arm Elfman. Elfman's skill is said to be top level in Fairy Tail, but he has trouble going all out at times when it's most important. In the past he was able to use Take Over to change his entire body into that of a beast, though since Lisana died he was no longer able to do it. Whenever Elfman tried casting the complete Take Over again he would get a flashback to his sister which causes him to break his concentration and the spell failing. Elfman was able to do a full body takeover once again when he saw Mirajane crying while she was being crushed by the Phantom MK II. His vow to never see his sisters tears ever again allowed him to cast the spell without failure.[7] His rough and scary appearance can be misleading since he is actually kindhearted and easily moved to tears.

It seems both him and his sister Mirajane were badly hurt in the past due to their younger sister, Lisana, dying. It's said that Elfman's heart is locked shut because of what happened to Lisana. Mirajane is very concerned for Elfman when she found out he went with Gray to help out Natsu in the Phantom Lord guild building, though Kana feels that he will be fine.

Elfman's member stamp is on his neck.


Loki (ロキ Roki) is a member of the Fairy Tail guild. He is very flirtatious with attractive women, being top ranked "Mage you want to have as your boyfriend". He tried to flirt with Lucy but after finding out that she's a Stellar Spirit mage, he quickly stopped his advances. Mirajane said that something must have happened to him with a similar female Stellar Spirit mage. She also mentioned that Loki once tried to flirt with Erza, but nearly got himself killed because of it. His weapon is a magical ring.


Mirajane (ミラジェーン Mirajēn) is the cover girl or drawing point of Fairy Tail. She is nineteen years old, a former S-class mage, and the sister of Elfman. When Mirajane was an S-class mage, she was known as "The Demon" and feared by lesser mages far and wide. She appears to play a sort of motherly role within the guild, and is often seen running the bar at the guild hall. She has never been shown to be in a bad mood, and can tolerate all of the guild's eccentricities. Even getting hit on the head with a bottle didn't cause her to stop smiling. She appears to use water magic, as well as some kind of transformation magic.

The only time where Mirajane has been shown in a grim mood is when she found out one of the S-Class jobs were missing (stolen by Natsu, Happy, and Lucy), and an elite member, Luxus, had replied that he knew about it, but did not bother to stop it. Once again she showed her angry side as she cracked a crystal ball after a conversation with Luxus. She was disappointed in the fact that a member of Fairy Tail seemed to care so little about the rest of the guild and questioned if Luxus really belonged there with them.

It is stated that Mirajane and her brother Elfman were hurt badly in the past when their younger sister, Lisana, died. Mirajane also shows concern about his fighting ability when she learns that he and Gray went to help Natsu. However, Kana reassures her that he can still fight. Seeing Elfman's determination to recover from what happened in the past she to feels that it's time for her to move forward with her life.
Macau Convault

One of the older mages of the Fairy Tail Guild, being 36. He uses a special flame, the purple flare, which cannot be blown off by wind or water. He's also very skilled in transformation magic, an ability which can even deceive an equal expert such as Mirajane. He's divorced and he dates a younger girlfriend. It's said that he's very popular among young girls and he even had Kana Alberona falling for him in the past. His main interest is his unique son, Romeo, and he dislikes loan.

When his son Romeo was being teased by bullies saying that Fairy Tail mages were nothing more then alcoholic bums he asked his father to go out and do something great. Macau is quick to do anything for his son so he traveled to the Hakobe Mountains to defeat Balkan monsters. He managed to defeat 19 of the monsters but was defeated by the 20th Balkan and had his body taken over by it. Macau took longer then expected to return from this quest and Romeo got worried. Romeo begged Maraov to go up and search for his father, but Makarov wouldn't listen. Natsu felt sorry for Romeo and was equally worried about his friend Macau. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy traveled to Hakobe mountains to search for Macau. They found and defeated the 20th Balkan and he was transformed back to Macau. When they got back home Romeo said he was sorry for telling his father to do something so stupid, with that Macau replied saying "When those brats tease you next time, ask them if their old man can defeat 19 monsters by himself! Okay?"

Luxus Dreher

Luxus is one of the strongest mage candidates in Fairy Tail. He's on the same level as Erza, Mist Gun and "That Geezer", though he claims to be the strongest member of Fairy Tail. He wears a pair of spiked headphones and is seen smoking a cigar. Luxus also has a mysterious scar that runs down the right side of his face. His attitude is very cocky and he seems to think he's better then everyone else.

Luxus seems to care very little about his fellow guildmates. When asked to come back and assist them with the fight against against the Phantom Lord guild since Makarov was currently disabled, he laughed about it and refused. Luxus went on to say that Makarov was at fault for starting the fight in the first place, and that Makarov should hurry up and retire so that he could become the new leader. Luxus showed a lecherous side to his personality as he said that he'd agree to come back and help if Lucy promised to become his girl. He also tried to get Kana to strip for him if they wanted his help.

Reedus Johnner

A 27 year old mage with an unusually round body and a witch hat. He uses picto magic, but he can only use it in conjunction with his body. For that reason he asks Makarov to enlarge his body. With his picto magic he can draw something on his large stomach and once the drawing is complete it becomes real and materializes in front of him.
He doesn't like carrots.
Nav Lazaro

Not much is known about Nav Lazaro besides the fact that his magic deals with Animal Possession in which he can confine an animals spirit within himself and then use that spirit to aid him in battle.

Arzak Cornell

Arzak is originally from the west. He came to Fairy Tail as an immigrant and joined up. His magic is classified as Guns Magic. As the name implies he basically loads his gun with magic bullets and uses his magic that way. Arzak has a crush on another member of the guild named Visca, although he his to shy to confess to her. Loki jokingly implied that if Arzak doesn't confess then he would. Arzak now sees Loki as his rival.

Visca Moulin

[Quote]Visca, much like Arzak, is originally from the west. Also just like Arzak her magic deals with guns. She can ex-quip various guns from a stock in a different space, much like what Erza does with her magic. Visca admires Erza, most likely because of the similarities in their magic style and how Erza is the most powerful female in the guild. Visca planned to confess her love to Arzak, but then Fairy Tail was attacked by Phantom Lord so she didn't get a chance to do it.[/Quote]

[B]Lévi McGarden[/B]

A cute seventeen year old mage who originally wanted to accept the mission to retrieve the book Daybreak from the Duke of Evaroo's mansion, though Makarov advised her not to take it because the quest was likely to become complicated. In the Fairy Tail guild she's in a team called Shadow Gear along with childhood friends Jet and Droy. Her magic is called Solid Script which allows her to make words solid and then throw the words at her opponent. For instance if the word fire were to be thrown at her opponent the victim would feel as if he were hit by a fireball. Lévi is very talented in the field of languages and can even translate several ancient languages. She and Lucy quickly became friends through their love of books. Lévi read the novel that Lucy is working on and is probably the only person who has done so. She found her novel to be interesting and now she likes Lucy even more. Along whith her fellow Shodow Gear Nakama she was found badly beeten in "Crucifixion" style on the townsare tree with the simbol of Phantom Lord branded on her stomach.


Sarusuke(aka Jet) is another member of Shadow Gear. His magic is called High Speed which can also be called God's Leg. This magic makes him the fastest person in the guild. He has a crush on Lévi. He convinced Lucy to let other people read her book, saying that there's no point in writing it if no one reads it.

Droy is another member of Shadow Gear. His magic deals with rapid growing plants that he can control. He wears something on his chest that's called Live Coal, which are basically tiny containers for his seeds. Droy is a childhood friend of Lévi and Jet. He also has a crush on Lévi.

Lisana, second to last right

Lisana was the younger sister of both Elfman & Mirajane. Lisana was also a member of Fairy Tail.[8] It is also very possible that Lisana, Elfman and Mirajane operated in a three man group similar to Shadow Gear. Whether or not she was a mage though is not yet known, though it is very likely since both her siblings are powerful mages themselves. If she was a mage then what exactly her magic power was is not yet known, though it could answer the question of how she was able to calm down a rampaging Elfman. One day Elfman tried doing a full body takeover, but quickly lost control of himself and went on a rampage. Lisana gave her life trying to calm him down and stop his rampage. How she actually was able to do this is unknown. The mental and emotional trauma that Elfman and Mirajane both experienced after Lisana's death crippled their powers considerably. Mirajane lost her S-class rank and was never able to find it in herself to fight ever again. Elfman suffered major emotional damage due to it being his fault that Lisana is dead and he was never able to cast his full body takeover spell ever again. When he did try casting it a flashback to Lisana caused him to lose concentration.
Lisana had her Fairy Tail guild stamp on her upper left shoulder
beberapa character lom ada gambarnya ... gpp ya...


Makarov (マカロフ Makarofu), is the "Master" of the guild. He is eighty-eight years old and is also one of the ten great holy mages.[6] Makarov shows extreme dislike for the council and all of the rules they try to impose on guilds. He frequently attempts to balance reprimands from the council and the eccentricity of his guild. He encourages Fairy Tail to do what they feel is right, but he has shown some concern that Natsu, Ezra, and Gray will someday level a whole town. His magical abilities include Titan magic, giving him the ability to grow his body parts gigantic and his whole body into a giant shadow creature, and can control various other forms of magic including fire, ice and wind, which give him an immense magical power. The members of his guild affectionately refer to him as Ji-san or grandpa. Makarov also sees all of his guild members as his own children.

When the Fairy Tail guild building was attacked by Phantom Lord he didn't seem to care and shrugged off the situation, saying that it's good that no one got hurt. But when he found out that the Shadow Gear team members were directly attacked and beaten by their rival guild he became enraged and lead a full frontal attack against Phantom Lord. When he was defeated by Aria from Phantom Lord the Fairy Tail guild was forced to retreat. Erza said that they wouldn't be able to defeat Jose without Makarov. Polyushko noted that Makarov didn't think over the attack and rushed into things without considering his age; and called him a fool for acting this way.

Kana Alberona

Kana Alberona (カナ・アルベローナ Kana Aruberōna) is a member of the Fairy Tail guild. An attractive woman with a short temper that seems to use some type of card magic. Not much else is known about her magic, but it has been shown that she can use it to track down people. She is always shown drinking some kind of alcohol, usually a giant barrel of ale. It is mentioned that she has a pure heart, although it doesn't seem like it.

Her member stamp is on the lower left portion of her stomach.
Kana was once in love with Macau Convault.

Mist Gun

Mist Gun is one of the strongest mage candidates of Fairy Tail. He's on the same level as the three other "strongest" mage candidates. Not much is known about him except that he hates to be seen. So whenever he enters the Fairy Tail building he casts a sleeping spell that's so powerful that everyone inside falls asleep. The only person who was able to resist his sleep magic was Makarov, but it's uncertain if Luxus was able to resist it. His appearance is also a complete mystery. Makarov and Luxus are the only two people who know what he looks like.

After the failed attack on Phantom Lord where Makarov was defeated; Kana tried contacting Mist Gun in the hopes of getting him to aid them against a possible counter attack from Phantom Lord, but failed in doing so and was unable to even find his current location.


A mage of Fairy Tail who's current existence is completely unknown. His real name is Gildartz[9] but he is most commonly referred to as "that geezer". He is one of only four Fairy Tail members(not including Makarov) who are allowed to go on the second floor of the building and accept S-class missions. Lucy ranks Gildartz to be the strongest mage in Fairy Tail second only to the master Makarov.[10] Though Lucy has never met Gildartz, so her ranking might not be to reliable.

Warren Rackow

Not much is know about him, but he was featured on a cover page. His magic is telepathy.
Villainnya yang mana nih?? n Heronya juga yang mana ^^
Ini semua guild baik kok... villain nya beda guild.... ntar gw post btw resized gambar gimana sehhh kegedean nih gambarnya
dah chapter 058 yah di mangascan nya
mantep ni manganya..... war between guilds /gg
Oke sekarang bagian penjahatnya

The Villains

Daybreak arc

Duke of Evaroo


Owner of a giant mansion containing a book that must be destroyed VIA a mission Natsu and Lucy have accepted. He has a weird sense of beauty, preferring ugly women over beautiful women. He easily discovers Lucy being part of Fairy Tail, so he sends two fighters to kill her. He also seems to have a penchant for bursting through walls, ceilings and floors. He is the second stellar spirit mage to appear in the manga, using the summon Virgo.

Vanish Brothers

Vanish Bros.

Two brothers who are members of the Mercenary Guild: Southern Wolves. They were hired by the Duke to act as bodyguards. One brother holds a giant skillet that he uses to deflect fire magic and send it back to his opponent. The other brother mostly just uses basic fighting skills with enhanced power and speed. The brothers also do combined attacks in which they use to either deceive their opponent or attack them. After a few exchanged blows between them and Natsu they get defeated by his superior magic abilities. They're also talking about someone they call "mama" which is presumably the master of their guild.

Eisenwald Guild
The Eisenwald Guild is categorized as a dark guild by the Magic Council. The reason why is because its members used their magic for assassination missions, which is illegal according to Guild rules. For that reason, six years ago, the Council banned the guild from the league of guilds, arrested their master, and ordered the members to disband. Most of the members still remain operative, being lead by the Eisenwald Guild's ace, Shinigami Eligor. They have the habit of calling the Fairy Tail mages "flies".

Shinigami Eligor


He acts as the leader of the dark guild. He's powerful enough to fight and harm Erza, one of the strongest mages of Fairy Tail. His magic power is that he can control the wind element, thus he can control the wind to make him fly or use it as a weapon. Eligor can also surround himself in wind armor. This wind armor was used to blow out Natsu's fire during their fight. He was eventually defeated by Natsu, after a hard fight on a railway bridge. However he was arrested yet, and Lucy wonders if he might come back to retaliate.



A subordinate of Eligor. He meets Natsu on a train and gives the Lullaby Flute to his leader. He uses shadow magic which he can use both to control shadows and to become a shadow himself. He manages to hit Natsu in the train but when the train stops, he was hit by Natsu. He later fights him again in the station but was defeated. He was stabbed by Karakka but managed to survived. After the rest of the gang came to greet Natsu, he stole their transport, took the Lullaby and headed straight towards Clover Town to the Council's building. He seems to be touched by the teamwork of Natsu, Gray and Erza during their fight against the The Devil from the book of Zeref. Despite having regreted of his actions he was still arrested with his guild.
Kage means shadow in Japanese, which correlates with Kageyama's shadow magic.



A subordinate of Eligors, who uses the cloth on his fingers as weapon. It was him who reveals that their true plan was to attack Clover Town, where the guild masters are attending a meeting. Gray intercepted Rayure's path and they fought, though the fight quickly ended when Gray froze Rayure's head completely. He wears a nemes, a striped headcloth worn by pharaohs.

[ Sori lom ada gambar ]

A subordinate of Eligors, who can teleport himself through solid walls. After escaping from Lucy, he appears back to hear Beard's orders after Grey and Erza search for Natsu. Instead of helping Kageyama, his job was to kill Kageyama. But after he stab him, he was tackled down by Natsu's Fire punch.



A subordinate of Eligors, who tries to take out Erza but was knocked-out in one hit. He then later gives an order to Karakka to kill Kageyama so that the Fairy Tail gang won't escape. The only power that is known of his is when he shifts the drink from the waitress' drink to his jug in the restaurant. His name is probably a reference to the whiskers he has in his face.
Garuna Island arc

Reitei Leon
[Sori gambar lum ada]

An ice mage who once was, together with Gray Fullbuster, an apprentice of the mage Ur. Ever since he was young he's felt a need to surpass his teacher. When Ur told Leon that there were other mages out there that were stronger then her he was shocked. Leon then got angry that he was training under a mage who wasn't the strongest mage out there. He didn't like it that Ur didn't teach him any powerful ice magic spells, so he read Ur's books on very strong spells and learned the Iced Shell attack which is a very dangerous spell because it ruins the casters body. He tried using it against Deliora since it's the only spell that would work against it. Ur recognized what spell Leon was trying to cast and quickly stopped him by temporarily freezing him. Once Ur froze him she went ahead and used the Iced Shell spell herself. She told Gray to tell Leon that she died, when in reality she turned into ice for all eternity. Once Leon regained consciousness Gray told Leon that she died. He now bares a grudge against Gray because he believes Gray is the reason Ur is dead, since it was originally Gray who challenged Deliora. Now Leon is seeking for the legendary monster Deliora, who was sealed by his teacher. On Garuna Island Leon and Gray got into a fight and Leon defeated Gray, but Natsu was able to save him. The next morning Natsu goes to the temple Deliora is in and fights Leon. Gray then goes to the temple and tells Natsu to back off.

Gray tries casting the Iced Shell spell on Leon but Gray is quickly stopped by Natsu. Once Natsu goes after Zarti Gray tells Leon that Ur is still alive as the ice keeping Deliora imprisoned. Leon seems surprised at first but then he stabs Gray through the stomach with a sword he made out of ice and proclaims that he already knew that but didn't care because Ur is just scraps of ice now. Gray becomes enraged and says that he tries saving Leon, but now he's fed up with him. When they began their final battle Leon is not able to defeat Gray due to his inferior one handed ice magic molding and is eventually defeated by Gray. When Deliora is completely revived, he still wishes to challenge Deliora despite his defeat earlier, Gray knocks him out and Deliora begins to crumble. Leon cries realizing that he can never surpass Ur as Deliora was long dead. At the end of the arc it seems that Leon and Gray are both back to being friends.
He can mold his ice magic with only one hand, while Gray has to use two.

Yuuka Suzuki


Yuuka is one of the underlings of Reitei Leon. He's nicknamed "The Surge". He is a former mage of Lamia Scale Guild and held the position of anti-mage. Yuuka calls the magic he uses "Surge". He can use it both to harm his opponent and/or nullify their magic. When he fought Natsu on Garuna Island it seemed like he had an advantage over Natsu, but then Natsu quickly found a way past Yuuka's Surge magic and defeated him.



Toby is one of the underlings of Reitei Leon. He is a former mage of Lamia Scale Guild. He uses his nails to fight and can also use paralysis magic in conjunction with his nails. Toby claims to be stronger than Yuuka. A few things happen in the manga that shows Toby to be a dim-witted individual.[1] Toby becomes so embarrassed after his foolish defeat due to paralyzing himself with his own nails that he asks Leon to not mention it to anyone else. Once the moon drip ritual begins to melt the ice on Deliora Toby is seen as the only worshiper at the ritual since all the other worshipers were defeated by Erza and Lucy. It turns out that that Toby and some of the others followed Leon because they were victims of Deliora too and wanted revenge. They believed that Leon would be able to defeat Deliora, which is why they followed him.[2]



Sherry is one of the underlings of Reitei Leon. She seems to be working under Leon just to try and garner his affection.[3][4] She uses a magic that's called "Doll Play Magic", which allows her to control anything such as golems and animals but not humans. Her magic works on Stellar Spirits as well since they're not human. She was defeated by Lucy after Lucy summoned Aquarius on purpose so that Aquarius would hurt both Lucy and Sherry. She also has a giant pet rat that she named Angelica. Angelica can propel her tail to fly and her giant size is put to good use when Sherry commands her to attack her opponent.



Deliora is an immortal demon that penetrated the Isbin area 10 years prior to the current time Fairy Tail is set in. It was sealed in an iceberg on the Northern Continent by Ur. She risked her life in the process of sealing this demon. Deliora is known as the devil of misfortune and misery due to all the destruction it's caused in the past. Deliora was found on Garuna Island by Natsu, Gray, Lucy and Happy. Reitei Leon and his associates are trying to use the cursed Moon Drip spell to release Deliora from his frozen tomb so that he can defeat the demon himself. Leon feels a need to surpass Ur which is why he wants to defeat Deliora. Once Deliora is revived from Ur's Iced Shell VIA the Moon Drip it was getting ready to attack, but before it could it crumbled into pieces. Deliora had been long dead thanks to Ur.[5]



Zarti is a very strange individual with his entire purpose being completely shrouded in mystery. He seems to act as some type of advisor to Leon, as well as an information retriever.[6] Not much is known about Zarti's battle style nor what type of magic he uses. Zarti simply refers to his magic as "Lost Magic". So far the only time that he's displayed his magic is when he crumbled the floor underneath Natsu's feet plunging him to a lower floor of the temple. Zarti seems to have other uses for the demon Deliora other then what Leon wants to do with it.[7] What his true intentions are concerning Deliora are still uncertain. Zarti also seems to have some disbelief in Leon. Such as when he questioned Leon about why he didn't kill Gray, but was willing to kill all of the villagers.[8]

After Natsu stops Gray from casting Ice Shell the temple is leveled out and the moonlight can reach Deliora once again. Zarti enters the room and tells them that he is responsible for leveling the temple. Natsu gets confused and demands Zarti to tell him how he did it, but Zarti ignores Natsu and flees. Natsu chases after Zarti and a bit of Zarti's "Lost Magic" is revealed. Zarti says that his Lost Magic is a type of magic that was obliterated from history due to its immense power and the gravity of its side effect and then Zarti disappear. Natsu finds him in the area where Deliora is sealed and Zarti asks how he found him. Natsu says he has a good sense of smell, and that Zarti has the scent of a woman.[9]

Zarti reveals that his Lost Magic deals with time. He can manipulate an objects time any which way he wants, though it won't work for any creature.[10] Zarti also reveals that his true objective for reviving Deliora is so he can manipulate the beast. He has no belief that Leon could defeat him and instead just wanted Deliora so he can have its power.[11]

At the end of the Garuna Island arc it's revealed that Zarti is actually Urtear from the Magic Council(proving Natsu was right when he said Zarti had the scent of a woman)[12] and that this incident at Garuna Island was all a big Magic Council conspiracy.
Natsu gives the nickname Namahage to Zarti because of the appearance similarities between the two
Phantom Lord

Phantom Lord

Phantom Lord guild emblem

Phantom Lord is a long time rival of the Fairy Tail guild. In the current arc Phantom Lord vandalized the Fairy Tail main building, and the attack was led by the second strongest of the guild, Gazille. The two guilds have had many brushes in the past, but this was the first time Phantom Lord attacked them directly. Phantom Lord also has a small group called the Elemental 4, which are similar to the four S-class mages of Fairy Tail. Their guild building has six mechanical legs which allow the building to get up and move around. The guild building is also equipped with a magical convergent cannon called Jupiter. The building can also transform into a giant machine known as Super Mage Giant Phantom MK II. When it's transformed into the Giant Phantom it acts just as a giant mage that can use spells, including forbidden ones.

Jose constructed the plan to attack Fairy Tail so it would be easier for them to capture Lucy. While most of the Fairy Tail guild were out to get revenge on the Phantom Lord guild for what they've done to both their building and Shadow Gear two of the Element 4 members, Jubia and Sol, were sent to capture Lucy. Jubia successfully captured Lucy with one of her water spells. It seems Lucy's father gave a request to Phantom Lord to retrieve his daughter for him and bring her back home.

Jose Pola
Jose Pola

[quote]Jose Pola is the guild master of Phantom Lord, and is said to have an equal amount of magic power to Makarov.[13] Also just like Makarov, he is also one of the ten holy great mages.[14] Jose's magic is called Shade. With it he can create ghost soldiers that he can command at will. Not much else is known about his magic Shade. He wears a witches hat that bares the Phantom Lord guild symbol. He also seems to have a pair of wings. Whether they are real or just decoration is not yet known.[quote]


Gazille, nicknamed the Iron Dragon, uses the same lost magic Dragon Slayer as Natsu does, though his magic seems to deal not with fire, but with metal.[15] Gazille is also noted to be the most formidable of the Phantom Lord guild. He led the attack on Fairy Tail and the large metal rods protruding through the walls of the building seem to be his handiwork. Gazille's magic seems to deal mostly with metal, as we see his arm transform into a giant metal rod that's used to knock out one of his fellow guild members. He doesn't seem to care at all about Fairy Tail, and seems to think that Phantom Lord is stronger then they are. Gazille bares his Phantom Lord symbol marked at the top off his right shoulder.
Much like Natsu eats fire, Gazille eats metal. He also hates to be disturbed during his meals.



Jubia makes up 1/4th of the Phantom Lord's elite group, Element 4. She was sent by the guild master Jose, along with Sol, to go and capture Lucy and bring her back to him safely. Her magic seems to deal with water as she is able to control rain and other large bodies of water. In addition, her body seems to be formed from the rain that surrounds her, leaving her intact and able to reform herself after attacks. Her nickname is also Jubia of the sea, which correlates with her water controlling magic. When angry she can also control hot water. Jubia also often refers to herself in the 3rd person. Jubia has developed a crush on Gray, and due to a misunderstanding, views Lucy as her rival in love. After being defeated by Gray, the rain above her finally clears up which she thought was beautiful. The Spanish word "lluvia", which is pronounced like her name, means rain.



Sol is part of the Element 4 group. He along with Jubia were sent to capture Lucy to bring her back to their master, Jose. He is nicknamed Sol of the earth, as shown by his name his magic consists of controling and creating the different forms of earth (sand, rocks, etc.) he has also been shown to be able to wrap his body around a persons arm maybe even their whole body. Sol often uses French linguistics in his speech as well as talking in a rhythmic pattern, he also gives his attacks musical names mix with the French names of different kinds of earth (Roche[rock] Concerto, Plâtre[plaster] Sonata, etc). Despite his abilities, he was defeated by a fully transformed Elfman. Sol is also French for "ground".



Aria is part of the Element 4 group as well as it stoungest member. He is a very large man that towers over the other members. Despite his large appearance he seems to cry a lot. Aria's magic is called Drain which drains it's opponent of his or her magic power. Once it's drained it floats in the air and eventually disappears. The greater the magic power of the opponent the more damage Drain causes. His power is so great that he has to keep his eyes closed to contan it and only opens them for the stoungest of opponents. His nickname within the guild is Aria of the Sky. Aria is Italian for "air". Despite his near invincible power, he is defeated by Ezra in her new suit of armor.


Totomaru is part of the Element 4 group. He's a fire mage and can manipulate it to the point where he alters the state of fire even making it cold or extremely smelly. He carries a sword which he uses for close-combat. His nickname within the guild is The Great Fire. Totomaru was the mage who guarded Jupiter during the siege on Fairy Tail, but Natsu succeeded in destroying the cannon when Totomaru was caught off guard. He later tried to finish off Natsu (due to his motion sickness), but Gray froze him and Elfman sent the Element 4 member flying.
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