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Your nicknames here....

coffecup derives from my coffee drinking hobby.

eloquent, search in ur dictionary.. :P describes some of my characteristic
my nick have 2 mean...

sirip hitam in indonesia and one more because i have allot of black tips....
better do everything simple and ordinary but in EXTRAORDINARY result... that is a must for every Engineer
keep everything in order... just ordinary...
derived from what wanted to be! Ordinary_Engineer... no less...

be an ordinary man with extraordinary works... that's the point!
Means 2:
1. I love to trip! /lv
2. I am T-ripper who crush the T-bones /gg
Mine is Silver Knight. I saw it in a comic book. But it only shown once. So i took it and use it. That's alL...^^
And 23 is my date o' birth...^_-
one of my fav band off all time...
really loph their lyric and...
jimmy page..
my guitar heroes/no1
winter sea, i took from song's title composed by a musician.
but actually the "sea" isn't from that song's title //e4
n japannese writing, L and R have the same Word.....
so to make it Unique i use Sakulla not Sakura...
KarasawaSr actually equals to Karasawa ..
The name of the best laser rifle in Armored Core .. :)
I choose tenkoji from Suikoden I, in ps/nintendo I'm not sure.
Why I use his nick ?
lol I just like his nick because he's very helpfull and his style did a lot of damage anyway the character is bold hehe really show the funky side of me
I had to searched for finding a nick name with the first letter "q"

And then ,,I got this name :)):))

Not bad huh? :x:x
^ Why quintie?? And what's the meaning of it?? Any other reason why you choose it?? Or you can't find other words started with "Q"??
my old nickname is gwbotaq.now i change my nickname with gloryfrench...
glory from french hahaha. lol
I used boy888 as my nickname,because number 888 is easy to keep in mind,so I used that number.Boy is show my gender absolutely...Simple huh??!!....:)
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