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Your nicknames here....

why is everybody here is out of topics/?/?

mmmm, i really have no idea why i chose this thing as my nick /hmm

Recently, i realize that Mycale is name of an angel /wah

in Bahasa Indonesia Mycale = Mikail /pif

they always do that all the time /heh
Yea, if we all stay on topic then it would be no fun at all... That's why we do this don't we?
Yes we did :)

an introduction for my name as well.

Honestly ....... taken from the situation where i hate someone.
Erection In Your Face that's what i'm going to do to that person.
But, recently i find that my name kinda funny LOL.
But it match with my siggy, thanks to " Itlust ".
The Beautiful Maria Ozawa as my siggy .... who wouldn't look at her /gg
A salutation for Itlust once again. Thank's Bro /no1
1 More think ...... there's a trick in my siggy also.... LOL.
And i notice that now Lock is using too, LOL.
Pay an attention /heh
Erm... I think I won't erect at sum1's face... How if the one u hate is a BOY? Would u still do that :D?
ash embuh
wew d4rk_13l1t2er
who is the people you blame /?
I Always Love Girls For Their Service In Bedroom /gg
and for their pride
Ueto Aya....... the most beautiful name in the world..... that's the name of this cutie in my siggy
in your siggy /?/?
is she a Nude artist/?/? /gg
Nope.... she won't do a thing like that. she's just an actress and a singer. have you ever watched movie Azumi? or Attention Please? she was there, and that's not a JAV (Japanese Adult Video).

I won't idolize a Porn Actress....But I will f**k them if I have to/gg /gg
Why there is no JAV actres in Indonesia who can Fcuk Freely/?/?
anyone have suggestiin /? /gg
R2D2 (artodeto) you know a little smart and funny robot at Star wars film,
why? becouse i like it ,be smart and funny thats me
hi im aldix...
nice to meet you all >.<....
sorry junk coz' im not have idea for posting in here.
and my english language very bad, pls teach me all, i want can speak english perfectly... >.<
me d1aMoNd...

you know diamond right??

1 there is just a variation that's all...

no idea... but i use it from the past til now...
TiTi* isn't my real nick.. i use it for seeking at VIP room..

my real nick is Squ or Little Squ

Squ = shorten from Squad means batalyon of army
me?.OrlandoBloom.well u know him as legolas in LOTR.I think he was cool and have an innocent face so I like him that's all.
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