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Wrestling Mania masuk sini!!!!!!!!!

tapi mereka lebih keren kalo sendiri2............ lagian agak2 susah kalo mau percaya Michaels ama HHH mau temenan lagi, setelah apa yang telah terjadi diantara mereka........... it's all bad....
yah...... itu mah gara2 si HHH aja yang nusuk HBK dari belakang.... hidup di wwe keras bow
dua hal yang gua apal banget dari DX:

yang pertama :
"are you ready? I SAID ARE YOU READYYYYYY ?!!! and now, for a thousand attendence here and a million watching at home. LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READY TO SUCKAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!"
- mike to HBK -
"and if your not down to that, we got two woooords for yah"
SUX IT !!!

yang kedua :
"ladies and gentlemen boys and girls children of all ages, D-Generation X proudly presented to you, THE TAG TEAM CHAMPION OF THE WOOOOOOOOOOOOORLD!!!
the road dogg jesse james, the bad ass billy gunn, THE NEW AGE OUTLAWS!!!
- mike to billy -
"and if your not down to that, we got two woooords for yah"
SUX IT !!!

masa-masa keren itu sudah lewat bos,
kenapa harus dibubarin :
1. bener triple h sama hbk emang bagus sendiri-sendiri. kalo tag team mentok di tag team champ. padahal keduanya kan ambisius di heavyweight champ
2. DX udah bukan stable lagi, tapi cuma tag team biasa
3. dah pada tua, bcanda2 vulgar udah gak pantes. lagian hbk nya juga udah insyaf (praise the lord).
4. gak ada lawan
5. era stable udah berakhir

lebih rame kalo HHH tanding lagi sama HBK
WWE Update :

jeff hardy ngalahin umaga di RAW 3 september kemaren tuk ngrebut IC champ ke 4 kalinya. (matt hardy kapan...)

CM Punk akhirnya bisa menang ECW champ 4 september kemaren ngalahin john morison

matt hardy menang tag team champ bareng MVP, ngalahin deuce domino. ha..ha..ha.. ini nih yang namanya gak jelas. rusak... rusak...

mysterio mau lawan great khali tuk heavyweight champ di unforgiven, ngalahin batista dan finlay tuk no1 contender match. ampuuuuunnnnn...

turun lagi nih wwe, padahal kemaren-kemaren sempat mulai bagus lagi.
vince mcmahon harus pecat tuh tim kreatifnya, ganti ama kita-kita...
yauwda d qta liat ja nnti

btw HBK mau kmbali d bulan NOVEMBER y
brarti pas Survivor Series
tmbh lg d bulan nov
pluncuran game
smackdown vs raw 2008
gila gu sneng bgd

emank wwe dh gila
nnti Extreme Cikarang Wrestling bkl ngbeli tuh WWE
d ECW kn da DX
HHH ; gu
HBK : Heston (adekny butsu)
pemaen2 wwe yg ada d game smackdown vs raw 2008

Current Superstars
Bobby Lashley
Booker T
Candice Michelle
Chavo Guerrero
Chris Masters
CM Punk
Elijah Burke
Gregory Helms
Jeff Hardy
John Cena
Johnny Nitro
Kelly Kelly
Ken Kennedy
Kenny Dykstra
Marcus Cor Von
Mark Henry
Matt Hardy
Michelle McCool
Mickie James
Randy Orton
Rey Mysterio
Ric Flair
Shawn Michaels
The Great Khali
Tommy Dreamer
Torrie Wilson
Triple H
William Regal


Bret Hart Roddy Piper Terry Funk
Mick Foley Sabu The Rock
Rick Rude Steve Austin

This is all they got?
what about

Deuce and Domino
London and Kenrick
Shelton Benjamin
Charlie Haas
Jimmy Wang Yang
Cade and Murdoch
Chris Benoit(probably they don't want to promote a "killer", can't blame them)
Steven Richards
Kevin Thorn
Chuck Palumbo(probably he came in late)
Jamie Noble
Hardcore Holly
Super Crazy
Santino Marella

kren2 pemaenny
tp harus d tunggu dlu
coz dluncurinny bulan november

dikutip dari: Wrestling Observer Newsletter

"We reported here yesterday that Chris Jericho has been in regular contact with WWE and the two sides are discussing Jericho's return to the company. We have another update to the Chris Jericho situation.

Chris Jericho and WWE remained in contact ever since Jericho's contract expired in the summer of 2005. Things have heated up ever since Jericho's appearance on Larry King Live in July. Anybody who saw Jericho's appearance knows that Jericho was very protective of WWE's role in the tragedy, laying the foundation for his eventual return. Jericho also became very friendly with WWE champion John Cena.

Since Larry King, Chris Jericho has been in more regular contact with WWE. WWE is ready to give Jericho a guaranteed 7-figure deal to come back.

So both sides are negotiating. WWE wants Jericho, Jericho's open to returning .. While anything can happen and the deal could fall through, it's likely only a matter of time before Y2J is back in WWE."

siap-siap bagi para jerichoholics diluar sana...
Gosip terbaru, rencana pertandingan di wrestlemania 24

Partial Source: The Wrestling Observer Newsletter

"There continues to be a lot of talk about an Undertaker vs. Edge main event at next year’s WrestleMania in Orlando, Florida. The idea behind it is that like Undertaker, Edge has never lost at WrestleMania (besides last year’s Money in the Bank ladder match) and that it would be a good idea to pair the two off against each other. The program was even being talked about before Edge was transferred to SmackDown so if both are healthy it is a good possibility that it will happen.

Another match being talked about for WrestleMania is John Cena vs. Batista just because it hasn’t been done before. However, with them being on different brands the match is a little more of an obstacle than Undertaker vs. Edge."

intinya sih Edge vs. Taker (smackdown), Cena vs. Batista (masih agak susah karena beda brand). tapi belum jelas apa ini pertandingan title shot atau bukan.

berita mengejutkan

Orang yang di bilang2 sebagai anak haram Mr.Vincent Kennedy McMahon Ternyata......[-O<.......^:)^.......adalah........<:-P

Hornswoggle.....=)) =)) =)) =)) atau dikenal sebagai Little Bastard..=)) =)) mantan partner na finlay..=)) =)) =))

g ad yg nyangka wkwkwkwkwkwkkw =)) =)) =)) :)) :)) :))

berita mengejutkan

Orang yang di bilang2 sebagai anak haram Mr.Vincent Kennedy McMahon Ternyata......[-O<.......^:)^.......adalah........<:-P

Hornswoggle.....=)) =)) =)) =)) atau dikenal sebagai Little Bastard..=)) =)) mantan partner na finlay..=)) =)) =))

g ad yg nyangka wkwkwkwkwkwkkw =)) =)) =)) :)) :)) :))

Kalo Mr Kennedy ga kena kasus drug bakal lain critanya. Dari storyline bagus2 tau2 jadi storyline yang ga jelas gini.
Masalah tentang pemakaian steroid ato pain killer

As noted earlier, T.J. Quinn of the New York Daily News received a list of WWE wrestlers who were clients of Signature Pharmacy and were as follows:

* Randy Orton
* Charlie Haas
* Adam Copeland (Edge)
* Robert Huffman (King Booker)
* Shane Helms (Gregory Helms)
* Mike Bucci (Nova/Simon Dean)
* Anthony Carelli (Santino Marella)
* John Hennigan (John Morrison/Johnny Nitro)
* Darren Matthews (William Regal)
* Ken Anderson (Mr. Kennedy)
* Chavo Guerrero

ESPN also produced the following three names as well:

* Dave Bautista
* Shoichi Funkai
* Chris Mordetzky (Chris Masters)

Based on records obtained through sources a few months ago, Adam "Edge" Copeland's last reported prescription came many years ago when he was recovering from neck surgery.

So, it is likely many of these incidents took place before the Wellness Policy was implemented in February of 2006. It is said to be well known that Orton and Helms' transactions took place well before the WWE's new drug policy and that the Helms & Copeland transactions took place during injury rehab. It also may not be the smartest thing to jump on Ken Anderson already, depending on the date, as he admitted to steroid use prior to February of 2006.

It should be stressed that it was not confirmed that any of these men are among the 10 wrestlers that were suspended by WWE earlier today (those names will be made public on November 1). For those who remember the Sports Illustrated investigation earlier this year, WWE was very aware of the names involved and chose not to suspend anyone at the time because the time frame took place before the Wellness Policy was put into full gear. It is possible WWE could still suspend these wrestlers even if dates took place before February of 2006 due to media and government pressure. Chris Benoit, Brian Adams and Eddie Guerrero were also on the list as well. Several more WWE wrestlers were said to be on the list as well, including one wrestler who was scheduled to be hired this week.

oh ia 1 berita buruk lagi..

Sandman released
Written: September 11, 2007

WWE has come to terms on the release of Raw Superstar and ECW Original Sandman as of September 11. We wish him the best in all his future endeavors.

Mungkin yang sebelomnya udahpada tau, Eugene & Crime time juga direlease..
wew ... tgl 17 bulan september tahun 2007
jam 7.00 WIB
unforgiven mulai
ap lg undertaker kmbali
qo nga da final card n prediksiny

Final Card

John Cena vs. Randy Orton (WWE Championship Match)

World Heavyweight Championship Match

Undertaker vs. Mark Henry

Triple H vs. Carlito

CM Punk vs. Elijah Burke (ECW Championship Match)

Candice Michelle vs. Beth Phoenix (Women's Championship Match)

World Tag Team Championship Match

WWE Tag Team Championship Match
Tu ad yg mo prediksi Pertandingan UNFORGIVEN nanti g

Kalo gue sich tetap aj dukung
John Cena VS Randy Orton :John cena
The Great Khali VS Batista VS Rey :rey Mysterio (biar come back na keren :D)
The Undertaker VS Mark Henry :The Undertaker (Mark Henry mate aj :D)
Triple H VS Carlito :Triple H (Woh kalo ini g usa d tanya smua org juga milih yg sama :D)
CM Punk VS Elijah Burke :CM Punk
Candice michelle VS Beth Phoenix :Candice MichelleBrian kendrick and his friend (lupa nama :-/) VS Brokeback mountain dudes (Yg kasih nama John Cena):Brian Kendrick cs
Matt ama MVP VS Duece and Domino : Matt cs
Prediction buat Unforgiven

Cade & Murdoch def. London & Kendrick 55% : 45%
Gw rasa Murdoch & Cade masih retain lah.. Feudnya masih baru, lagian Londrick kmaren udah menang title di tour Afrika

Matt & MVP def. Deuce & Domino 60% : 40%
kalo Matt& Mvp dibuat kalah kayaknya masih terlalu cepet..

Candice Michelle def. Beth Phoenix 90% : 10%
Ini juga, masa feudnya baru tiba2 langsung kalah..

CM Punk def. Elijah Burke 100% : 0%
CM Punk baru jadi juara, paling2 ini cuman buat nunggu Morisson yang lagi kena suspension.

Triple H def. Carlito 90% : 10%
Triple H baru balik, pasti dibuat kliatan kuat sampe dia nemuin feud pastinya dia.

Undertaker def. Mark Henry 100% : 0%
Returns trus kalah? Gak masuk akal

Great Khali def. Batista & Rey Mysterio 60% : 30% : 10%
Yah, kliatannya Khali bakal retain terus sampe Undertaker jadi #1contender.

Randy Orton def. John Cena 50% :50%
Kalo Randy Orton kalah, artinya feud antara Orton dan Cena bakal berakhir. Feud mereka udah klimaks dimana Orton punt kick ke bokapnya Cena.Kalo Orton kalah lagi, mau dengan cara apa lagi Orton minta rematch? Dan kalo Cena menang, itu dah bener2 kelewatan. Ini udah pas 1 tahun John Cena menang dimana dia ngalahin Edge di TLC match, Unforgiven 2006.

Randy Orton def. WWE Champion John Cena (Cena disqualified)
Undertaker def. Mark Henry
Batista def. The Great Khali and Rey Mysterio (Batista New World Heavyweight Champion)
Triple H def. Carlito (No Disqualification Match Only for Carlito)
ECW Champion CM Punk def. Elijah Burke
World Tag Team Champions Cade & Murdoch def. London & Kendrick
WWE Tag Team Champions MVP & Matt Hardy def. Deuce & Domino
Women's Champion Candice Michelle def. Beth Phoenix

Perkiraan Gw meleset 1, ternyata Batista masih dijadiin WHC. Randy Orton meneng by DQ, dan John Cena masih jadi WWE Champ. Di akhir match Coachman, bakal ngadain rematch (lagi?!) antara Orton & Cena di Last Man Standing..
Wah rematch lagi rematch lagi...:-O

memang enak randy orton, superstar yang lain aj sudah susah setengah mati request title shot ama GM na.

Klo Randy tinggal buat John Cena marah aj trus dapet title shot lagi di unforgiven...

Skarang gara2 John Cena Ngamuk, Randy Orton menang karna John Cena di diskualifikasi trus rematch lagi di No Mercy.

Kayak na ini Cerita mulai mengarah ke title PPV na "No Mercy" di mana John Cena menunjukkan tiada ampun untuk Randy Orton karena membuat na emosi :P.

Itu menurut gue sich...,tapi emang John Cena tu kalo g konsen, kayak kata na Randy Orton bisa2 kalah tu nanti di No Mercy.

Moga2 aj menang.
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