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Post your first impression about the user above you!

^ at 1st impression i thought calvin's another bigmouthed asshole like somebody i knew before... but as time passes on, it seems like he's waaaayy better than that. my apologies /sry/sry
/swt, I think Ueto is good at speaking english.
He's a fans of Aya ueto /?
not a fans, but an admirer.../lv/lv

^the new english room moderator, he's doin' a good job to make this room more lively /no1/no1
oops you got wrong about me /gg

im not mecha fan /heh

btw i know calvin is english pop quiz TS /gg
i don't know who is Second_walktrue /gg
but the other word... all writers in this room have a good skill in speaking english /heh
i don't know how to say/write impression about her /hmm
but 1 thing from me : she is very friendly /kis
my impression on user above me..hmmm..
he must have loved to post so much..

^who the hell is saga anyway? never heard about him, seems like a noob for me... /heh/heh

yea..i do really am a complete noob..lolz, getting bored of somthin then try stickin on u guyz :D

holly molly...wrong quote i had there >.<, geez tis what's happened when i had somthin on my mind when reading other post..
^a well-behaved noob... and that's very rare, even i as a noob made a lot of mistakes back then... it's kewl dude, you made a very good impression.../no1/no1

oh and one more thing, quit doin' a multiple posts... use the 'edit' button...
^this guy above me will die from smoking.. STOP SMOKING DUDE!!

hehehe,,, just kidding buddy XD
Please Use the "Edit" button

old member/...
But quite Unactive /heh
^old member for sure..
nov'06 a month older than me..
and look how many post you've got!
damn it..
should be more active..
I never meet u, nice to meet u ;)) ;))
^ is the one who release his robots then run after the frog to fry the frog...
Awww ... i think to fry the frog by using his robo is not good after all ...

Ehmm about the one above me ? Dunno .. Coz never knew him before .. /hmm
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