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Pernah Bermimpi Didatangi Oleh Pria Ini ??


IndoForum Activist E
No. Urut
26 Okt 2008
Nilai reaksi
Sebenernya ini berita udah rada basi :D. Tapi masih bikin penasaran gw sampe skrg :D. Ini berita nyata loh, bukan hoax, dulu gw pernah liat di acara TV naked science kalo ga salah /hmm :-SS

Gw taruh disini aja, takut repost kalo di forum :">. Kalo sekiranya bukan repost tolong dipindah ya mod :D

Ceritanya berawal pd thn 2006 ketika ada seorang wanita menemui psikiaternya. Ia mengatakan bahwa ia sering bermimpi di datangi oleh sosok seorang pria yg bahkan belum pernah ia temui dalam hidupnya. Kemudian ia menggambar sketsa wajah pria tsb. Hingga pd suatu saat datang seorang pasien yg berbeda ke psikiater tsb, ia melihat gambar sketsa tsb, dan mengatakan bahwa ia juga pernah bermimpi didatangi oleh pria itu :-O.

Lalu si psikiater berinisiatif untuk menyebarkan gambar sketsa pria tsb ke berbagai tempat. Dan yg sungguh mengejutkan bahwa ia menerima laporan bahwa sebanyak 2000 orang pernah bermimpi didatangi oleh pria tsb :-O:-O

Ini gw jg merinding nulis thread ini :-SS

Ini kalo mau baca berita aslinya dlm bhs Inggris :

In January 2006 in New York, the patient of a well-known psychiatrist draws the face of a man that has been repeatedly appearing in her dreams. In more than one occasion that man has given her advice on her private life. The woman swears she has never met the man in her life. That portrait lies forgotten on the psychiatrist’s desk for a few days until one day another patient recognizes that face and says that the man has often visited him in his dreams. He also claims he has never seen that man in his waking life. The psychiatrist decides to send the portrait to some of his colleagues that have patients with recurrent dreams. Within a few months, four patients recognize the man as a frequent presence in their own dreams. All the patients refer to him as THIS MAN. From January 2006 until today, at least 2000 people have claimed they have seen this man in their dreams, in many cities all over the world: Los Angeles, Berlin, San Paulo, Tehran, Beijing, Rome, Barcelona, Stockholm, Paris, New Delhi, Moscow etc. At the moment there is no ascertained relation or common trait among the people that have dreamed of seeing this man. Moreover, no living man has ever been recognized as resembling the man of the portrait by the people who have seen this man in their dreams. Several theories have been developed to explain the mysteriously recurring presence of this man in the dreams of different people who are not related in any way. The following theories are the ones that elicit the greatest interest among the dreamers themselves.

According to Jung’s psychoanalytic theory, this man is an archetypal image belonging to the collective unconscious that can surface in times of hardship (emotional development, dramatic changes in our lives, stressful circumstances etc.) in particularly sensitive subjects.

According to this theory this man is the image of the Creator, that is to say one of the forms in which God manifests himself today.
This is the reason why his indications and the words he utters during the dreams should be decidedly followed by the dreamers.

It is the most interesting theory and the one that has the greatest implications, but it has also the lowest scientific credibility.
According to this theory this man is a real person, who can enter people’s dreams by means of specific psychological skills.
Some believe that in real life this man looks like the man in the dreams. Others think that the man in the dreams looks completely different from his real life counterpart. Some people seem to believe that behind this man there is a mental conditioning plan developed by a major corporation.

dan berikut gambar sketsa pria itu :




dan berikut foto2x ketika penyebaran pamflet sketsa gambar pria tsb dilakukan :









menarik, Om.....;)
baru tahu nih......:)
hiiiiiiiiiii .....jadi merinding nanti ane dimimpiin lagi.......:D,, mending kalo cewek cantik yang dateng....;)
kayaknya gw jg pernah liat dia dalam mimpi.... am i going crazy??
^ klo non sama kan emang mimpinya aneh2 =))
Menurutku, ini image yg dipancarkan secara kuat ke segala arah dan org yg gelombangnya match baru bisa nangkep. :D

Ini seperti pemancar tv, yg gbr nya ditangkep oleh tv. :)
lom pernah om. cuma sugesti aja kali
Kalo liat tempelan2 kertas di berbagai tempat entah kenapa kesannya seperti dibuat2...
itu foto ane gan kok ada di situ sih hehe..
ada jg ya 2000 orang didatangi sosok yang sama di mimpinya /hmm

tp gw blom tuh :D
Hmmm ngeri juga klw sampai di datangi orang itu :D
ohhh... jd pd pake antena gitu /hmm

Saya pernah baca buku, seorg master yg terkenal di Amerika dalam bidang Hynotherapy, pernah mengadakan eksperimen.
Dia melihat sebuah gambar dan kemudian gbr tsb dikirim melalui pikirannya ke subjek tsb. Subjek tsb dalam kondisi tidur.
Ketika dibangunkan dan ditunjukkan gbr tsb, subjek merasa pernah melihatnya/tahu. Padahal sebelumnya telah diselidiki bahwa subjek tsb tidak pernah pergi ke tempat tsb.
huaaaaaa..... saya sering mimpi orang itu,,, nyeremin banget..... /sob /sob /sob
ga tau...ga kenal ...

biasany aye tidur langsung pules...

biasanya sih yaa,,,kalo kita abis liat suatu objek gambar atau misalkan habis ketemu sama seseorang atau suatu kejadian apapun itu...
terkadang suatu saat, bisa jadi dalam mimpinya ketemu apa yg pernah dilihat...

kalo mnurut analisa gw sih bgitu... :D:D

misalkan yaa...

abis nemu duit 100 rebu...
nah biasanya tuh ntar malem atow pas beberapa hari mendatang mimpiin deh tuh nemu duit yg tadi...

misalkan lagi, abis ketemu cewe cakep.../lv
biasanya ntar malem ada aj tu cewe nongol di mimpi, tau cuman numpang lewat kali...

ehh.. pas bangun udah basah aja itu kasurnya..


intinya sih mmang bgitu.../ok
ga tau...ga kenal ...

biasany aye tidur langsung pules...

biasanya sih yaa,,,kalo kita abis liat suatu objek gambar atau misalkan habis ketemu sama seseorang atau suatu kejadian apapun itu...
terkadang suatu saat, bisa jadi dalam mimpinya ketemu apa yg pernah dilihat...

kalo mnurut analisa gw sih bgitu... :D:D

misalkan yaa...

abis nemu duit 100 rebu...
nah biasanya tuh ntar malem atow pas beberapa hari mendatang mimpiin deh tuh nemu duit yg tadi...

misalkan lagi, abis ketemu cewe cakep.../lv
biasanya ntar malem ada aj tu cewe nongol di mimpi, tau cuman numpang lewat kali...

ehh.. pas bangun udah basah aja itu kasurnya..


intinya sih mmang bgitu.../ok

kk bae tukang ngompol ihh,,,, /e4
wah... mirip2 dejavu x ya... tapi ini berupa sosok....
hmm... klo gw sendiri sih lom pernah di mimpiin..
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