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Pegulat Smack Down Tewas Bersama Anak-Istri


IndoForum Beginner D
No. Urut
6 Jun 2007
Nilai reaksi
Georgia - Pegulat profesional Smack Down, Chris Benoit, ditemukan tewas di rumahnya. Ia diduga melakukan bunuh diri setelah terlebih dulu menghabisi anak dan istrinya.

Benoit yang kerap muncul di Extreme Championship Wrestling, World Championship Wrestling, dan World Wrestling Entertainment ditemukan tewas di rumahnya, di wilayah Georgia, Selasa (26/6/2007) waktu setempat.

Diberitakan abc, pihak kepolisian kini masih menyelidiki kasus pembunuhan tersebut. Namun muncul dugaan kuat kalau Benoit sendiri yang membunuh istrinya Nancy Daus dan putranya Daniel yang berusia tujuh tahun sebelum mengakhiri ajalnya sendiri.

Menurut laporan kepolisian, tak ada bekas tembakan senjata api, atau luka tusukan benda tajam di tubuh Benoit dan anak-istrinya. Tak mengherankan kalau kemudian polisi memikirkan kemungkinan korban tewas karena keracunan atau kekurangan udara.

"WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) mengucapkan belasungkawa dan memanjatkan doa pada keluarga, kerabat dan seluruh orang yang mencintai Benoit atas tragedi ini," begitu bunyi pernyataan resmi federasi gulat yang me-manage pertunjukan gulat di televisi itu.

Atas peristiwa ini, WWE memutuskan menunda acara rutin mereka setiap Senin malam, "Monday Night RAW" dan menggantinya dengan acara tribute to Benoit.

Benoit lahir di Kanada 21 Mei 1967. Ia merupakan mantan juara dunia gulat kelas berat dan sempat merengkuh beberapa gelar juara Intercontinental champion tag-team sepanjang karirnya.

Di Indonesia ia dikenal melalui acara WWF yang ditayangkan sebuah stasiun televisi swasta beberapa waktu lalu. Nama Benoit juga cukup terkenal di berbagai negara. Pelatih Chelsea, Jose Mourinho, bahkan mengakui kalau anak-anaknya adalah fans Benoit dan bahkan sempat bertemu dengannya pertengahan musim lalu. (din/key)

gebukin orangnya kan gak langsung :D..
Serius tuh???? si benoit bunuh diri???
ck ck ck........ rabbit akhirnya gak ada lagi.........
salah satu pegulat fav gwa...
triple benoit suplex...

ada2 aja neh...

yang nonton ma yang di tonton nga ada bedanya... /swt
Comments on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta

Comment by Jim on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Please let us remember that we all have some skeletons in our closets that noone knows about. We will never know what happened,only Chris knows that. However we may not want to remember Chris Benoit the man but at least let's remember Chris Benoit the wrestler. He gave us many hours of enjoyment on television and the arenas. He will be greatly and forever missed. God Bless Chris, Nancy and Daniel
Comment by Nicole on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
people need to stop the denial... i too am a massive fan of Chris... one of the best wrestlers of all time in my opinion... but what most people seem to be caught up in the thought that "we knew chris" - no we didnt. He was a character on TV that we watched every week... we knew nothing about his personal life or what personal problems he may have... he is a wrestling legend there is no doubt about that but i beleive everyone should just come to terms with this tragedy and start to heal and realise that these people are human too and have problems... we only saw The Rabbid Wolverine... not truly who Chris Benoit was in his private life.
Chris, Nancy, Daniel may you rest in peace forever.
Comment by Lutchie on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
my son felt sad... benoit is one of his favorite in wrestler. will pray for their soul.
Comment by Lutchie on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
my son felt sad... benoit is one of his favorite in wrestler. will pray for his soul and his family.
Comment by El Bicho on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
"one of the classiest people ever to be apart of professional wrestling."

obviously not. I am surprised by all the "I can't believe it" posts. You didn't know this guy. He was a performer, and obviously a good one, but some are acting like he was your best friend and neighbor. Take a step back and separate fact from fiction in your lives.

"the WWE was right to put on a show paying tribute to one of the best to ever enter the squared circle."

No they weren't. They should have waited until they had heard from the authorities and had their facts straight rather than capitalizing on his death for ratings.

It's something everyone in the media should learn from, but once again won't.
Comment by Glen Boyd on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Wrestlingobserver.com is now reporting that Vince McMahon will reportedly apologize for last night's Benoit tribute on tonight's ECW broadcast. The WWE website also today removed all of their tribute pieces, and are now only listing the death as a news piece.

Read the Observer's news reports here

Comment by Glen Boyd on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I think Chris makes a good point (comment #37). When I first had the unfortunate instance to report this story yesterday evening, none of us knew all the details. The truth is, we really still don't. I also doubt very much that the WWE knew everything that has since come out today. Otherwise, I can't possibly see that they would have gone on with the 3 hour tribute show.

For most of us who heard the initial story, before all of the gruesome details revealed today, our initial reaction was one of shock, and of sympathy for Benoit's family. Hence the piece eulogizing Benoit you read here, and I would venture to say this is also what prompted the tribute show by WWE last night. It will be interesting how the rest of WWE programing this week approaches this, starting with tonight's ECW show.

But again, I think everybody's initial reaction -- before the real story was revealed today -- was the correct one, especially as regards the WWE tribute show.

A commenter above makes a comparison to O.J., and that thought actually crossed my mind too today as I listened to the news reports on my car radio as I was out making the rounds of my "day job." It really is too bad that such a great performer is now going to remembered more because of this senseless tragedy.

Baronius also makes an important point, as far as the potential influence of anabolic steroids (which were found at the scene) on Benoit's actions.

I think two things WWE really needs to do is get serious about the problem of steroid and performance enhancing drugs once and for all. They also need to drop the now beyond-tasteful "Vince McMahon is dead" angle/storyline they were pushing prior to this tragedy.

We still don't know the whole story here, and I suspect it will be some time before we do. Right now, I plan on writing a followup piece to this one where I'll attempt to better communicate my own feelings about this.

Thanks to all for your comments.

Glen Boyd
Comment by Big Boss on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I cant believe he killed his son his wife and hisself but you know what at first i thought it was randy orton but i was wrong. At first i felt bad but you know what hes a sick man and he should kill hisself for that because his wife and son didnt do nothing to him and i got a poem for him roses are red violets are blue you killed ur son and wife but shame on you. By the way,RIP.
Comment by Chris Beaumont on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
"I can't believe that the WWE would have a tribute to a child killer"

The WWE found out mere hours prior to broadcast of his death, with incomplete details of the circumstances. Regardless of what details come out later, the WWE was right to put on a show paying tribute to one of the best to ever enter the squared circle.

That said, if he did indeed commit this heinous act, as it is now very likely, there needs to be some investigation into what happened and why.

This is another black mark on wrestling, and on the suppoosed "WWE Wellness Policy."

Steroids are becoming a major issue in all sports, and is becoming epidemic in pro wrestling. I think the entire wrestling industry needs to slow down, step back, and take serious stock of the price that those performers are paying. It needs to start at the top and Vince needs to come back to reality.
Comment by R.I.P Benoits on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I do not think Chris is a murderer!!! I am only 13 y/o and i have been watching Chris wrestle my whole life and he has never showed any kind of behavior that would lead to this tragedy.The Rabid Wolverine would never to something to harm his wife or his son!!!R.I.P.The Canadian Crippler's memory will live on!!
Comment by R.I.P Benoits on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I do not think Chris is a murderer!!! I am only 13 y/o and i have been watching Chris wrestle my whole life and he has never showed any kind of behavior that would lead to this tragedy.The Rabid Wolverine would never to something to harm his wife or his son!!!R.I.P.The Canadian Crippler's memory will live on!!
Comment by Baronius on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
> Rick Rude (age 40) - overdose; steroids involved
> Hawk of the Road Warriors (age 45) - heart attack; had admitted to steroid use
> Eddie Guerrero (age 38) - heart attack; likely due to steroid damage
> Curt "Mister Perfect" Hennig (age 44) - overdose; had admitted to steroid use
> David "British Bulldog" Smith (age 39) - unspecified cause of death; likely due to steroid damage
> Chris Benoit (age 40) - suicide; steroids found on scene
Comment by carlos cabral on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
you know, i was wacthing chris benoit since his carrer started in ECW and i said to myself wow. this guy is gonna be the best wrestler of all time. i still find hard to believe that chris benoit killed his wife nancy and his son, daneil. there's more to the story that the law enforcement of atlanta,ga DOES NOT wanna share.and by the way the chris benoit i know would NEVER wanna kill himself. he loved his family, he loves wrestling and loves wwe and tna superstars ,he even loves his fans. nobody loves life more than chris benoit. i wacth his dvd hard knocks and it shows that he was a nice and caring man. what i want wwe,tna and everybody else in the wrestling world is stop and look at the evidence? becuse i don't believe it was chris!!!!
Comment by john on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
no...................................... i hate you cris i hae you alot you killed your own son & your own wife you suck
Comment by john on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I hope John Cena Doesnt end up like cris and eddie why eddie why cris first you were good now you are bad?????????????????:(here is a poem for nancy and daniel roses are red violets are blue eddie killed his self but cris killed you :)
Comment by john on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Daniel and Nancy shouldnt of got killed i hate cris alot now :( :(
Comment by john on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I dont belive my favorite wreseler strangled his wife and smothered his son daniel i hope he didnt take steroids.Nancy and Daniel may rest in peace. :( Im very sad
Comment by Cindee Weaver on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Every man's life can be measured by one defining moment. Unfortunately, Chris Benoit's defining moment was not winning Wrestlemania XX or perfecting the "crossface crippler". His defining moment came when he chose to murder his wife and 7 year-old son. While it is certainly true that not all the evidence has been examined and that toxicology reports are 2 weeks out, the obvious has been stated repeatedly and profoundly. This is not mere speculation... the leading news sources in our country have reported that he killed his wife and child over the weekend and himself Monday. Despite ANY advances Benoit has made to the wrestling industry, he murdered his own flesh and blood. I'm sure if we all take the time to ponder this issue we are all reminded that OJ Simpson was once known for his football career and yet now his name is synonomous with murder. As if it isn't bad enough that he killed his wife, he then murdered his own 7 year-old child. There is no sympathy in my heart for a man who could do these things. I implore you to look deeper that your love of wrestling to find the true emotion that lies there. After watching 3 hours of people discussing what a wonderful man Benoit was, I wonder if any of those who spoke feel differently this morning. There is NO rectifying what he did. Think of how many people lost a mother, sister, daughter, aunt or a grandson, brother, cousin. Think of the times that you've lost those you have loved and then ask yourself would you glorify the man that killed them?
Comment by Joe C on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Chris Benoit is a piece of crap. I can't believe that the WWE would have a tribute to a child killer. What a joke. They should be shamed of themselves!!!!!!!!!

Who cares about his wrestling career? None of it matters anymore. Respect, classy, hard working, bull!!!!!!!!

The guy killed a child, his own for that matter and then takes the biggest coward road and kills himself, oh by the way he also killed a 120 pound woman, his wife. What a creep, and then to have wrestlers crying about him on TV. They should have had a tribute to his wife and child not to that scumbag!!!!!!!!

There is no excure for it, it is disgusting!!!!
Comment by Baronius on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
"Roid rage" is a pretty well-known condition. I'm surprised no one's mentioned it yet.

Steroids make your skin rubbery (think Hogan), and your muscles develop with prominent veins (think Batista). They age your heart (Eddie). They cause baldness (like most WWE wrestlers). And they can cause bouts of depression and explosive anger.

Steroids are becoming more dangerous, not less, as the years go by, because scientists are constantly developing stronger ones. Someone's got to call attention to the steroid problem in wrestling before it takes any more lives.
Comment by Glen Boyd on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
I just got interviewed by ABC News about this story. It will broadcast today on ABC News radio affiliates nationwide. They wanted the bloggers perspective. I also pointed them towards Dave Meltzer at the Wrestling Observer as a news source.

Comment by Glen Boyd on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
There are some updates over at the Wrestling Observer. Authorities are now saying that the details, when they come out, are going to be "bizarre". As the poster above said, we don't know what happened yet. Until we do, I'm witholding judgment and praying for the Benoit family.

Read the latest details here

Comment by Original Deadman on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Chris Benoit is dead. He was one of the greatest wrestlers of his generation. Had he wrestled Sunday night, he would have won the ECW Championship. But something happened. Something went terribly wrong.

These killings are a tragedy, whether they were committed by Chris or someone else. We all know that sane people do not kill seven year olds. We all know that sane people do not kill women. We all know that sane people do not kill two other human beings and then live in the house with two dead bodies for a day or two before taking their own lives. We all know that sane people do not kill themselves. In fact, we all know that sane people do not kill, period.

So, rather than attack Chris Benoit and call him a coward and erase him from the record books, we should be trying to figure out what sent him over the edge. This is a man who had everything - a great career with tons of success (even if it is not real), great kids whom he loved dearly, a great wife whom he loved dearly. What made this man lose the edge? What made this man lose control of his mental faculties and kill two other human beings, seemingly with his bare hands (since no gun was used and local authorities have not stated that they were stabbed)?

For that matter, how do we know who killed whom? Until the reports are released later today, we won't know. Did Nancy kill the seven year old and then Chris killed her? We don't know. We don't know what happened in that house. And we will probably never know the whole story.

But, if Chris committed this heinous act, let's have a little charity and realize the sickness that had to infect Chris Benoit over the course of the last days of his life rather than calling him a coward. He did not go down in a blaze of glory. And it is highly unlikely that his last thoughts were that history would remember him for his accomplishments. Insane people usually don't care.
Comment by Chris on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
"Color me optimistic -- and perhaps naively so -- but I think this is going to take a few more turns before we know what really happened." Agreed.

That being said I was shocked to wake up to these developments this morning. Simply speechless.
Comment by kim on WWE Wrestler Chris Benoit And Family Found Dead In Atlanta
Shock gue denger ni berita karena gue fans ini orang ompong juga. T.T
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMMNNN!!!!! WHY CHRIS WHY????? u were one of the greatest wrestler of your generation!!!!! U were once a World Heavyweight Champion, United States Champion, Tag Team Champion, 2004 Royal Rumble Winner... U made Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania, U were great!!!! Why dont u just strangle CM Punk on Vengeance to win ECW World Heavyweight Title instead of ur wife and son??????

DAMN Chris...... DAMN!!!!!!!!

Hiks...... mau nangis nih...... bye Chris.... Bye Wolverine.....
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMMNNN!!!!! WHY CHRIS WHY????? u were one of the greatest wrestler of your generation!!!!! U were once a World Heavyweight Champion, United States Champion, Tag Team Champion, 2004 Royal Rumble Winner... U made Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania, U were great!!!! Why dont u just strangle CM Punk on Vengeance to win ECW World Heavyweight Title instead of ur wife and son??????

DAMN Chris...... DAMN!!!!!!!!

Hiks...... mau nangis nih...... bye Chris.... Bye Wolverine.....

That's life and keep rollin' , mostly no one can't predicition that will happened ..... :(
DAAAAAAAAAAAAMMNNN!!!!! WHY CHRIS WHY????? u were one of the greatest wrestler of your generation!!!!! U were once a World Heavyweight Champion, United States Champion, Tag Team Champion, 2004 Royal Rumble Winner... U made Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania, U were great!!!! Why dont u just strangle CM Punk on Vengeance to win ECW World Heavyweight Title instead of ur wife and son??????

DAMN Chris...... DAMN!!!!!!!!

Hiks...... mau nangis nih...... bye Chris.... Bye Wolverine.....

buset elo nangis ato baca buku ampe apal gitu gelar2nya --' yang tabah nak ... cukup mengagetkan buat gw tapi berhubung bukan pegulat andalan aye so gpp
Wew, emang bukan favorit gw juga. Tapi tetep aja, dia pegulat hebat yang dikagumi.... Rabid Wolverine gituh, skrg jadi kyk loser gitu.... Why Chris Why?????
lah parah amat knp koq bunuh diri? /swt padahal kan pasti duitnya banayak /gg buat gue aja dah ! /heh
sometimes money just wont do the cut, tapi heran banget ya, padahal dia lagi mau dipush, jadi juara ECW, malah johny nitro d yang dapet....
ada yang punya christ benoit in memoriam? 3 hour tribute for benoit? Di TA ada tuh, tapi 50rb, hiks...... pinjem dong kalo ada yg punya
@itlust: masalahnya kemaren abis beli vengeance juga...... bt abis liat johny nitro replace christ benoit n bener2 jadi ECW champion....
yah... gara2 itu kali ..... stres dia
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