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Naruto [always updated]

yg bilang yondaime mati siapa????
kayaknya dari yg dulu2 gak ada deh

yg ada
yondaime ikut menghilang saat melawan n me nyegel kyubi ke tubuh naruto
dan hanya hokage 3 yg tau semua rahsia itu
sementara yg tau kalo naruto anak yondaime hanya hokage 3 jiraya
hokage 3 tidak pernah cerita ke siapapun kalo naruto anak hokage 3

jadi yg nasuk ke tubuh naruto ya yondaime dalam arti sebenarnya, bukan cuma cakra.
salah satu tandanya,
masa kalo yondaime itu cuma cakra
bilang cakra ku mau habis

dan gue perkirakan
suatu saat yondaime akan muncul lagi, hidup lagi
mungkin saaat melawan madara
final batle yg sesungguhnya
maaf salah ketik
maksudnya yg tau naruto anak hokage 4 hanya hokage 3 n jiraiya
sedang hokage 3 tidak pernah cerita ke sapa2 kalo naruto anak hokage 4
gw rasa itu sih bukan cakra
itu semacam rohnya gitu
dan yang dimaksud cakranya mau habis itu maksudnya cakra itu ia gunakan untuk muncul dalam wujud yondaime
kan tidak masuk akal seorang hokage mempunyai cakra sedikit
kalo yondaime masih hidup dalam tubuh naruto berarti untuk muncul di depan naruto kan dia gak perlu mengeluarkan cakra
yg bilang yondaime mati siapa????
kayaknya dari yg dulu2 gak ada deh

yg ada
yondaime ikut menghilang saat melawan n me nyegel kyubi ke tubuh naruto
dan hanya hokage 3 yg tau semua rahsia itu
sementara yg tau kalo naruto anak yondaime hanya hokage 3 jiraya
hokage 3 tidak pernah cerita ke siapapun kalo naruto anak hokage 3

jadi yg nasuk ke tubuh naruto ya yondaime dalam arti sebenarnya, bukan cuma cakra.
salah satu tandanya,
masa kalo yondaime itu cuma cakra
bilang cakra ku mau habis

dan gue perkirakan
suatu saat yondaime akan muncul lagi, hidup lagi
mungkin saaat melawan madara
final batle yg sesungguhnya

chapter2 awal nartuto keluar hokage k 3 prnah bilang...

klo dia ingin seperti hokage2 yg laen....

yaitu melindungi org2 dan sahabat2nya...

trs entah di chapter brp ada obrolan....

dibilangin...hokage ke 4 mati saat melindungi desa dari serangan kyuubi....

yg tau naruto anak yondaime bukan cmn hokage 3 sama jiraiya doank...

semua yg hidup saat zaman hokage ke 3 tau

hanya saja di rahasiakan....

tsudane tau.....

danzo jg gwa tasa tau...

apa lagi Eldernya konoha....

jadi yg tau naruto anak yondaime bukan hokage ke 3 sama jiraiya doank!!!!!
hokage keempat udah jelas mati bukan?

kan udah dijelasin ma hokage ketiga kalo penggunaan jurus segel buat nyegel kyubi menyebabkan penggunanya mati..

hokage ketiga aja mati, setelah nyegel hokage 1, 2, ma tangan orochimaru...

jangan double post bro,,, kalo ada yang salah,, pake fasilitas "edit" aja...

penggunaan fuinjutsu shikifujin itu membuat penggunanya mati....

n 1x lagi...

bukan cmn jiraiya n hokage k 3 yg tau naruto anaknya yondaime!!!!!!
jangan lupa kalo kakashi juga tahu
karena kakashi adalah murid yondaime dan besar kemungkinan kan kalo kakashi tahu anak yondaime naruto
lumayan banyak yang tahu
kalo anak2 banteran naruto sih gak ada yang tahu gak aneh
btw, itachi aja tahu naruto anak yondaime
ingat saat itachi ke konoha dia mencari "PENINGGALAN HOKAGE KE-4"
gw pikir semua ninja konoha yang idup waktu kyubi disegel ma hokage ke 4 tau kalo naruto anaknya...

mungkin kasusnya sama ama gak diperbolehinnya ngasih tau naruto kalo di tubuhnya ada kyubi... ama hokage ke 3 juga dilarang ngasih tau kalo hokage 4 adalah bapaknya naruto...
mungkin adja
btw, yang bikin gw bingung pas kecil naruto diasuh siapa ya?
pas bayi.....
mungkin hokage 3 ya......
soalnya masak anak kecil bisa menghidupi dirinya sendiri

bukan mungkin...

kan yondaime sendiri bilang dia minta hokage ke 3 merahasiakannya,,,,
brarti layaknya sasuke toh

paling entar tamatannya sasuke ama naruto vs madara

sasuke nya ngorbanin apa geto dan terakir tinggal naruto vs madara

dan menang naruto dan tamat dah
sasuke ngasih sharingan ke naruto buat lawan madara
taunya naruto ga bs ngendaliin sharingan...
mati deh=))
(The best worst ending forever:)))
naruto bukannya dikasih sesuatu ama itachi dulu

entah apa itu
mungkin triger kek sasuke...

tapi beda...

mungkin triger yg menghalangi naruto dari genjutsu atau pun kekuatan sharingan
naruto bukannya dikasih sesuatu ama itachi dulu

entah apa itu

ada perkiraan nih
gw nemu
tapi sori nih ya masih pake bahasa inggris

In Naruto Chapter 403 Tears, it is revealed that Itachi gave Naruto a gift, a special power to help him in the future. I believe I have discovered the inspiration for that power.

"The Kogarasu Maru or "Little Crow", is a unique Japanese tachi sword rumored to have been created by legendary Japanese smith Amakuni during 8th century CE."

"The Kogarasu Maru is sometimes referred to as a Kogarasu Zukuri as the blade of the Kogarasu Maru was forged in the Kissaki Moro Ha Zukuri design. The Kogarasu Maru is unique as a bridge between the old double-edged Japanese Ken (based on the traditional Chinese straight sword) and the traditional Japanese tachi and eventual katana.

The Kogarasu Maru was designed with a curved double-edged blade approximately 62.8 cm long. One edge of the blade is sharped in normal tachi fashion, but as the edge comes to a point the blade continues in the reverse direction back towards the hilt of the sword, similar to a European sword or a Japanese yari spear, but stopping midway. A single bo-hi style groove runs down both sides of the blade to the hilt. The forging process yielded a sugaha "straight" style temper line on both sides of the blade.

The Kogarasu Maru "Little Crow" is the most famous of the known Kogarasu Zukuri blades and currently in the Japanese Imperial Collection. The tang of the Kogarasu Maru is not signed but the blade is believed to have been made during the either the early Heian period or late Nara period, by the famous Japanese swordsmith Amakuni, who is said to have created the first curved Japanese sword and is believed to have lived during this period. Two other Kogarasu Zukuri blades exist from this era, but many other blades of this type have been created throughout Japanese history."

"There is an ancient legend that attribute this revolution in sword making to Amakuni, traditionally belived to be the maker of Kogarasumaru or ‘Little Crow’, the first curved NipponTo, now in the Imperial Household Collection. According to this legend Amakuni was the Emperor’s swordsmith. One day he saw his lord’s army returning from a battle and the Emperor ignored him instead to give the usual cheers for the good work made with the blades. Then he noticed that many soldiers had broken swords. They where chokuto or straight swords. He was so disappointed of this that he avoid to eat food and drink water for a week, studying a better way to make swords. According to the legend Inari, the Kami of swordsmakers, appeared in a dream to Amakuni, teaching him how to wrap a soft steel core in an harder one, and how a curved edge is more suitable to cuts and more resistant to shocks than the previous straight one. The day after Amakuni made Kogarasu Maru, the ancestor of all NihonTo."

"Ama-kuni of Yamato, who lived about A. D. 700, was a celebrated maker. One of his blades is said to have been carried off by a crow during the reign of Kuwammu-Tenno, A. D. 782, and has since been known by the name of the Kogarasu maru * (little crow). In A. D. 940 Taira Sadamori became the possessor of this sword, which was drawn by him in the wars with Masakado, who was until lately deified at Kanda, Yeddo. "

These are the covers for Naruto Chapter 3 and Chapter 185. We see a "Little Crow" just over Naruto's shoulder. Also, this is the only known chapter cover(at least to my knowledge) that has ever been repeated.

Then there's the cover for Naruto Chapter 11, on this chapter cover we see a crow carrying a sword in it's beak and it appears to be presenting it to Naruto.

Notice in the backgrounds of each cover is the full moon, a clear symbol of Itachi. Naruto Chapter 142 Cover, this is a cover of Itachi with the full moon in the bottom lefthand corner. Naruto chapter 145 page 10 and page 11.

Also, one of the sources Itachi get's his name from is the Kamaitachi. The source of the name kamaitachi is kamaetachi, which means "attacking tachi". It was later changed to the name kamaitachi as a naming pun for "sickle weasel", by Toriyama Sekien. It's also of note that the kamaitachi itself is a wind demon. The Kamaitachi also makes an appearance in the Naruto series as one of Temari's summoning techniques.

Well, there you have it. This is what I believe Itachi gave Naruto. Itachi gave Naruto a legendary sword named the Kogarasu Maru. The sword is most likely a chakra blade, which would allow Naruto to use his wind elemental affinity along with it to cut opponents at a distance.

mungkin prediction ini agak mengada-ada tapi kan lumayan daripada cengo

ada 1 prediction lagi cuman gw lupa dulu ada di mana
jadi gw cari dulu

GRP for me please
mungkin ikutan tersegel di naruto kali....:D
soalnya bisa rasengan kan?/gg
dan dia bilang dia bisa lihat dari dalam pikiran naruto...
menurut gw dia mati
yang di dalam naruto itu semacam rohnya
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