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Name of your penis (sorry bukan porno)

My Penis Name Is :
Ethel Merman the Understated Space Invader

Btw, Penis tuh bahasa ya ?
My Penis name is:
Bartholomew the Irresistable Space Probe
wkwkwwkwkwk ngakak wa baca thread ini =)) =)) =))
Darth Vader the Barbed Arse Prodder

apa neh maksudnya... T_T
gak ada apa apa, cuma iseng2 aja

biar tau nama penis anda apa
nama dd gw lebih keren dari nama gw
ada kata² Space Invader
apalagi punya om dark blood
keren coy namanya ada Dart Vader dd nya ikut maen star wars ya /gg
NIh punya gua
Elvis the Strangely Proportioned Electric Organ

ni thread aneh2 aj tapi loco =))=))=))=))

Colonel Sanders the Unconventional Prehensile Tentacle

Henry the Intimidating Weapon of Mass Destruction
Punya Gua donk paling keren
Albatross the Nuclear Powered Battleaxe
edan, segala senpi di sebutin
dd lu tuh mantan mafia ya ?
Bagi ce dilarang ikutan karena gak punya penis
gelo nama penis gw..

"Hannibal the Perky Spaghetti Strand"

bisa makan orang kali ya penis gw... /swt
hahaha gw musti bayar franchise ke KFC neh..

Colonel Sanders the Multi-tasking Little Willy
Here is a new name to call your penis. Or someone else's if you don't have your own.

Colonel Sanders the Understated Pendulous Penis

gw juga harus bayar franchise :-/
Hannibal the Ultrasonic Photon Canon /swt
kalo gw:

Darth Vader the Deviant Weapon of Mass Destruction

bagus gak? /gg
woghh penis gw ada gelarnyaaa

Prince Charlie the Strangely Proportioned Space Invader
/hmm Woody the Ever-ready Prehensile Tentacle /swt

Dah pernah tau ... ;;)
Darth Vader the Unconventional Little Willy<---pake nick
Willy the Unconventional Little Willy<---pake nama asli
Bill Gates the Magical Love Sausage<---nama tmen...(wew bawa2 bill gates)

cape de willy willy willy...
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