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Jual Materi CFA 2012


IndoForum Activist E
No. Urut
11 Mar 2008
Nilai reaksi
CFA 2013 lihat di sini

Jual CD Materi CFA (Chartered Financial Analysis) 2012

Cara order :
1. Hubungi kami (sms/email/ym) dengan memberitahukan alamat pengirimannya.
2. Pembelian di atas Rp. 100.000 gratis ongkos kirim.
3. Pembayaran lewat transfer ke rekening BCA atau Mandiri
4. Pengiriman lewat JNE, Tiki, atau Kilat Khusus Pos Indonesia
5. Jika memakai alamat kantor, bisa bayar belakangan setelah barang datang.

Untuk pemesanan atau pertanyaan anda dapat mengirim email ke [email protected] atau sms ke 08980334980
YM : ympusatebook

CFA 2012 Level 1
Study Guide (CFA Institute Program Curriculum Vol 1 - 6, Schweser StudyNotes Vol 1 -5, Schweser QuickSheet, Allen Resouces Studyguide) Rp. 60.000

Schweser Qbanks Rp. 50.000

Exam (CFA Institute Mock Exam, Schweser Practice Exam) Rp. 30.000

Schweser Secret Sauce Rp. 25.000

Schweser Video Rp. 100.000
CFA 2012 Level 2
Study Guide (CFA Institute Program Curriculum Vol 1 - 6, Schweser StudyNotes Vol 1 -5, Schweser QuickSheet, Allen Resouces Studyguide) Rp. 60.000

Schweser Qbanks Rp. 50.000

Exam (CFA Institute Mock Exam, Schweser Practice Exam) Rp. 30.000

Schweser Secret Sauce Rp. 25.000

Schweser Video Rp. 100.000
CFA 2012 Level 3
Study Guide (CFA Institute Program Curriculum Vol 1 - 6, Schweser StudyNotes Vol 1 -5, Schweser QuickSheet, Allen Resouces Studyguide) Rp. 60.000

Schweser Qbanks Rp. 50.000

Exam (CFA Institute Mock Exam, Schweser Practice Exam) Rp. 30.000

Schweser Secret Sauce Rp. 25.000

Schweser Video Rp. 100.000

Selain video, semua berbentuk ebook. Tidak menjual printed book.
Schweser Studynotes, Qbank, Video dan Allen Resources StudyGuide tidak ada watermark.
Video, selain bisa diputar di komputer, juga bisa diputar di ipad dan android tablet

Jika ingin membeli materi tahun sebelumnya (2010 & 2011), silahkan hubungi kami

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Schweser Practice Exam™

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Schweser’s Practice Exams, Vol. 1 are ideal in the weeks leading up to exam day. They are terrific for identifying your strengths and weaknesses as well as developing a thorough understanding of the critical concepts within the curriculum. The high level of extremely difficult practice questions allows you to familiarize yourself with common question structures, test yourself on the entire CFA® curriculum, and refresh your memory with unique answer explanations.
chweser’s Practice Exams, Vol. 2 contains three additional full-length multiple choice exams. Hone in on your knowledge of the entire curriculum by answering practice questions on a multitude of different topics. Sharpen your test-taking skills with challenging and complex practice questions. Learn how to tackle common questions that you will see on the exam. Identify your strengths and weaknesses and develop a thorough understanding of the critical concepts
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