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Mahoraba (iiX)


IndoForum Senior D
No. Urut
2 Nov 2006
Nilai reaksi



Shiratori Ryushi wants to become a picture book writer, and he moves to an apartment, Narutaki-So, in order to go to an art school in Tokyo. Narutaki-so is an old Japanese style one-story house which doesn't fit in urban scenery. It is owned by the cousin of his mother, and the manager of the apartment is Aoba Kozue. She is his second cousin, and they met with each other when they were children although he doesn't remember her much. She is in the second grade of a high school attached to Aoba Junior College.

There are five people living in Narutaki-So. First, Chanohata Tamami is living in room #1. She is a best friend of Kozue. Then, the resident of room #3 is Momono Megumi. She is a kind of person who goes her own way. In room #5, Kurosaki Sayoko and her daughter Asami are living. Asami is in the first grade of a junior high. Finally, in room #6, Haibara Yukio is living with his puppet, Johnny.

They are all characteristic and eccentric persons. However, in fact, the most eccentric person is Kozue. She has a secret of which even she does not know; when she is shocked at something, her personality changes. Not knowing this, Ryushi moves to Narutaki-So to realize his dream.

download avi format

sgitu dlu lanjutan menyusul yaw /gg
ini genrenya apa???

komedi lagi yah???? /gg

klo komedi gw suka bgt thx brad bro :D

wa kira baru ampe jilid 10. tenyata ampe16 ya?
tengkyu tengkyu!

wa suka ma manga ini. Simple, funny, yet interesting in its own way.

eh sebenernya si kozue bisa brubah jadi berapa orang sih????

gw baru slese nonton eps 2 dia brubah lg jd nanako /wah

jadi bingung bner2 multiple personality /e14
gw br nonton episode 1 /...
lagi nonton lucky star , He is My Master , Shakugan No Shana ama Disgaea aja ga kelar tuh smua sibuk kul soalna /wah padahal dah download


wa kira baru ampe jilid 10. tenyata ampe16 ya?
tengkyu tengkyu!

wa suka ma manga ini. Simple, funny, yet interesting in its own way.


ini Anime boz /swt

kirain dah nonton smua /wah

klo he is my master tinggal 3 eps lg slese nonton gw :D
gw dah kelar yg ituw /gg
lg keasikan nonton shakugan no shana /e15

ni anim ampe ep 26 tamad tp download itu aja dah 2,8 gb /pif
lanjutan menyusul /no1
kapan neh lanjutannya?? ditunggu loh....
asli lucu bgt ni anime..
naniii 2 giga /omg tapi gpp dech /gg worthed ama lucunya /heh
kalo sempet mungkin saya bisa bantu upload.. dari nomor 17 yah..
gw bantu convertin dech tapi ada yg punya software bagus gak dari .avi ke .rmvb /?
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