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Katekyo hitman reborn{discussion}

bu kantin kan varia of rain..

btw,varia jg dipilih brdasarkan flamenya jg
misal kek itu

Varia of Sky : XanXus
Varia of Storm : Belphegor
Varia of Rain : Superbia Squallo
Varia of Lightning : Levi A Than
Varia of Cloud : Gola Mosca (Dead)
Varia of Mist : Viper a.k.a Mammon , Flan (10 years in future)

varia cm kandidat..soalnya waktu war of the rings mereka kalah kompetisi..

Varia of Rain : Superbia Squallo

cocok lah sama Flame hasil quiz gw... :))

yare... varia defeated ya.. /swt gpp lagh.. yg penting itu Superbia kakoui... <3 <3 <3 <3
10 thun kmudian squallo jadi 2nd strongest swordman in the world loh

wah gw ketinggaln jauh,,,
bukanya setiap will flame punya kelebihan masing2/!
ho oh..
tp gag apal saya..

Sky : Harmony - Petrification
Storm :
Rain : Tranquilizer - Sleep
Sun : Supportive - Heal
Lightning : Hardness - Resistance
Cloud : Freedom - Cloning
Mist : Vague - Illusion

yg storm gag tahu saya :(
double damage kali



Color: Orange
Characteristic: Harmony (Armonia)
Purpose: "The sky; one that colors and engulfs everything"
Known Users: Tsuna, Byakuran, Dino, Xanxus, Uni, Luche, Aria, all previous Vongola Bosses

Description: Those who possess sky flames are exceedingly rare, and possibly the most powerful people in the world. The characteristic of harmony is said to maintain the balance between the other flames, and contains neither contradiction nor conflict. Unlike the rain flames, the sky flames do not extinguish other flames but instead calms the box weapons and controls it in a way such as petrification which is neither a form of conflict or contradiction. The sky flames are able to utilize any type of weapon box, although not as effectively as the proper flame. The sky flame is the most mysterious, for example Xanxus was able to use the flame generated from a sky ring and the Flame of Wrath from his body to give birth to a hybrid box weapon with characteristics of both sky flames and storm flames. It appears that there is a relationship between the ranking of the person and their type of flame, every sky flame user has also been a mafia boss or boss candidate. With Tsuna's X-Gloves Version Vongola Ring, he can produce a hard flame, which is the purest of sky flames. Rumors say that a person with the Sky flame might actually light his ring with the hard flame.
Appearance: The Sky Flame seems to have an orange center for the flame, then a pale orange for the outer spiking, that of which is similar in appearance to Rain Flames, with largish oscillating spikes.



Color: Red
Characteristic: Degeneration (Distruzione)
Purpose: "The wind; one that fiercely blows away everything"
Known Users: Gokudera, Bianchi, Nosaru, Tazaru, Baishana, Belphegor, Spanner, Rasiel, Fon, Zakuro
Description: Anything that touches storm flames begins to break down and corrode, even other flames. These flames are highly offensive.
Appearance: The Storm Flame appears to be almost opaque in appearance. With a red at the centre, then an inner area of a very pale red-white, and an outer spiking of deep red coloring. In the manga, the ends of the flames are distinctively dark.



Color: Blue
Characteristic: Tranquility (Calma)
Purpose: "The rain; one that washes away everything"
Known Users: Yamamoto, Glo Xinia, Squalo, Basil, Lal Mirch, Colonnello, Gokudera, Olgert, Bluebell
Description: These flames weaken other flames and attacks such as illusions, rendering them almost completely ineffective. The stronger the flames, the weaker the enemy's attacks become.
Appearance: The Rain Flame appears to have sparkles of some type running through it. It is more or less opaque, and has a dark blue at the center while the outer part of the flame is a pale light blue with large, oscillating spikes.



Color: Yellow
Characteristic: Activation (Attivazione)
Purpose: "The sun; one that illuminates the sky"
Known Users: Ryohei, Shoichi Irie, Lussuria, Gingerbread, Reborn, Gokudera, Daisy
Description: Sun flames initiate processes and speed them up at an incredible rate. Difficult to use offensively, the activation can be used effectively for healing purposes.
Appearance: Sun Flames have a constant yellow coloring throughout the whole flame, and circular "shines" of light emanating from it as well.



Color: Green
Characteristic: Solidification (Indurimento)
Purpose: "The lightning; one that harshly strikes everything"
Known Users: Lambo, Gamma, Leviathan, Gokudera, Verde, Dendro Chilum ,Ghost
Description: These flames are the most solid flames and carry properties similar to electricity. They can be used as a shield against physical attacks and can create electrical weapons.
Appearance: Lightning Flames have the appearance of Lightning. The center in an off-white green, and the extremely sharp "spikes" of Flame are a neon dark green in color. They have a tendency to form round shapes with the sharper part flailing around.



Color: Indigo
Characteristic: Construction (Costruzione)
Purpose: "The Mist, one that cannot be captured"
Known Users: Mukuro, Chrome Dokuro, Genkishi, Viper, Fran, Torikabuto, Saru , Kawahira
Description: Mist flames are capable of generating illusions and constructing them into real, solid objects. This method was first seen when Chrome created real illusions of Mukuro, Ken, and Chikusa.
Appearance: Mist flames have an off-white indigo for the majority of the flame, and a gradually darkening indigo for the rest of the flame deepening outward.



Color: Purple
Characteristic: Propagation (Propagazione)
Purpose: "The floating cloud; one that cannot be caught and goes its own way"
Known Users: Hibari, Lal Mirch, Iris Hepburn, Skull, Gokudera, Nigella Beankabul, Kikyo
Description: Cloud flames and cloud flame-based weapons absorb other flames to grow in size, and can even cause phenomenal growth in human beings if their bodies are altered.
Appearance: These have a dark purple at the center, and a pale light purple for the rest of the flame. And unlike Rain Flames, which have sharp oscillating spikes, Cloud Flames have small rounds of flame instead of points.


For more information, please consult here. (http://reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Dying_Will_Flame)
hasil copas google
disitu juga disebutin siapa aja yg punya element nya
wow penggemar tsuna...
dah ambil quiz lom kk???

kali aj dapet sky

dia udah ambil kuiz dapet sun klo g salah
Description: Sun flames initiate processes and speed them up at an incredible rate. Difficult to use offensively, the activation can be used effectively for healing purposes.
Appearance: Sun Flames have a constant yellow coloring throughout the whole flame, and circular "shines" of light emanating from it as well
wow yg gw bold keren................
yup tapi keren rain
bisa bikin roket jadi super lamabat/gg
These flames weaken other flames and attacks such as illusions, rendering them almost completely ineffective. The stronger the flames, the weaker the enemy's attacks become.
pada dasarnya hujan itu memang bikin lambat...

contoh,karena hujan tanah becek..bikin ban selip..
kalo hujan..kudu nunggu reda..kegiatan jd tertunda...

tapi ada bagusnya jg..
tranquility membuat kita rileks dengan suasana dingin dan sejuk..sehingga kita menjadi tenang dan mengantuk...

padahal sun=fire.............
harusnya destroyer sejati.................../sob
cahaya matahari mengandung pro vitamin d yang bagus untuk kulit..dengan vitamin d maka tubuh kita akan lebih bugar..

karena itulah sun flame bersifat regeneration

malam ini saatnya membantai nonton KHR 10 eps... /gg
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