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[Inggris] 30 Things you can learn from a Korean drama

EverLasting Friend

IndoForum Senior B
No. Urut
3 Jun 2008
Nilai reaksi
30 Things you can learn from a Korean drama

1. If you have a best guy friend, he is in love with you. And secretly you are too.

2. You and your boyfriend will always playfully chase each other on an ice rink, at the beach, or in the leaves. And you'll laugh for no reason and your boyfriend will hit you "playfully" but the force of his push will have you flying across the room. But it's okay. Cuz you're still laughing like a crazy person.

3. Brothers/cousin/uncles-newphews will always love the same girl.

4. You're allowed to make uturns wherever you want in Korea. And there is never traffic on the side you want to u turn to.

5. There is a super quick payment device that allows you to pay a bill quickly enough for a guy to run immediately out of a restaurant after his angry girlfriend storms out.

6. Everyone has cancer.

7. If you're rich, you're a jerk.

8. If you're poor, you're an angel.

9. Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.

10. You're not studying hard enough unless you get a nosebleed.

11. If you have a nosebleed, you most definately have cancer. And you have no money to pay for the surgery that will save your life. And your liver is missing. We're not sure where it went, but it's making your cancer progress faster.

12. If you work in a sool jeep, you have massively curly hair and wear flashy colors from the early 90's.

13. You always order orange juice or coffee at a cafe. And you never drink it. EVER.

14. You will always call your boyfriend by his job title. Or simply sunbaenim. Never his name. Never. He doesn't have one.

15. If you TRULY love each other, you must die together in the end. Frozen outside instead of finding shelter like sane people. Just frozen....

16. Even if you're poor and can't eat, you never wear the same clothes twice.

17. Everyone has a long lost sister/brother/twin. Usually one they didn't know about.

18. If you don't want to answer your phone, you can't just turn it off. The battery needs to be taken out.

19. All korean men can drink hard, smoke long, sing well and play piano. Usually all at the same time. And at the same restaurant that has a piano that they let anyone use.

20. If you're getting off a plane, you're ALWAYS wearing sunglasses. ALWAYS.

21. All guys wear hideous tracksuits zipped up to their neck. Even if all they're doing is jumproping.

22. Guys always look like they're 6 feet tall, even if they're only 5'10. Thank you camera angles.

23. Guys like to wear foundation, eyeliner and sometimes a smudge of lipliner.

24. You always get stuck in an elevator with someone who makes you feel
uncomfortable. Even if there are six different elevators, you'll always be stuck in the same one with that person you hate (or just fought with).

25. Unless you're fabulously rich, your in-laws will always hate you

26. A guy will always get the right size ring, even if you're never held hands

27. You'll get pregnant the first time you have sex.

28. If you study in the states (perferably Harvard), you are one of the top students and can speak perfect English (as assumed by the reactions of those around you). Why the rest of the world OUTSIDE of the TV can't understand a single word uttered out of your melodramatic mouth is beyond me.

29.You go to America you come back miraculously successful. You go to England you come back amazingly fashionable. You stay in Korea the only thing that changes is your hairstyle.

30.Everyone always goes to the same hospital no matter where they are.

Stuju ga??? =)) Kalo suka GRP, klo Repost... sorry... /sry
iya juga ya/heh
tapi gw pegel bacanya/...
30 Things you can learn from a Korean drama

7. If you're rich, you're a jerk.

8. If you're poor, you're an angel.

9. Women sleep and wake up with a full set of makeup on.

ada ga yg no 7 ma 8 di balik?
if you're rich you're an angel...
kan lbh baik tu yg kaya baek,yg miskin gr2 ngejar harta jd ngelakuin segala macam cara biar dpt duit...haha..
no 9 tu ga patut di tiru tu...dandan bikin muka jd tmbh jelek ah...hahaha...
GRP otw....
pelem korea banget

tapi rata2 semua pelem kaya gitu de
ah inggris smua Indonesia Version-nya dong biar gag pegel bacanya/...
Wah si TS hobi nonton drama korea nih.......:)):)):))
punya koleksi drama apa aja....?????/heh/heh/heh

Capek nih ngartiinna....................:)):)):))

iya nih... salah satunya saras 008... =)) =))






Kpada mod JnC, makasih uda gantiin kategorinya jd inggris... /heh

gw soalnya wkt itu kliknya umum..

ternyata film korea ada semacam jalan cerita yg "standar" yh?
nice info.../no1
wakakkakak.... bener2 smua tuh =))
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