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Discussion in English


IndoForum Beginner A
No. Urut
3 Agt 2006
Nilai reaksi
hmm, i think the english subforum is almost dead, why dont we start a discussion in english to heat up a bit.
I dont fluently use english, so forgive me if theres some mistake :P
Ok, I was browsing the internet and came across a site that made me confused about the scientific use of the word theory. This has probably came up before, but try to bear with me. According to this site http://wilstar.com/theories.htm, a scientific theory is something that has been proven.
"But in scientific terms, a theory implies that something has been proven."

However it says differently in my college physics textbook.
"One important deifference is that science requires testing of its ideas or theories to see if their predictions are borne out by experiment. But theories are not "proved" by testing." "Physics" -by Giancoli page 2

The site also makes note that a scientific theory is just a more complicated scientific law. I always thought the main difference is that theories are something that cannot be derived directly from observation, while scientific laws can. IE. Theories are more of a creative inspiration that comes from our minds to explain phenomona.

Also i have learned that it is not that simple. I thought there are different degrees in which the theory is credible. Some theories are accepted by most scientists(such as the atomic theory), and some theories that are debated by many scientists(such as the string theory). Well point in being, is this site false, or am i just crazy. I know it's just a kids science site, but my friend tried to use it to tell me i was wrong, and its second on the google search "scientific theories."

PS, do you guys think the theory of evolution can be turned into a law after millions of years of observations? That after so long it becomes a direct observation, hm tell me what you guys think. Thanks.
With all respect... I'm not into this kind of things.
The theory of evolution? Not again..
The debate over this kind of theory contradict with the theory of Creation, that God created mankind and the earth, not some big bang and monkeys.

But if you debate, it just won't end. Why? Because then people will start throwing out words about what they believe and the opposition too, and what will be gained in the end? No conclusion.

Through observation, you only gain a result and a conclusion. But what if the thing that we're supposed to observe lives 10 thousand years ago? Then, you just make a prediction (called a hypothesis by scientists). And through that prediction, scientists then just use their human knowledge (which is never enough to know all these things) and came to a conclusion that it is right, or wrong.

So let's not debate these kinds of things. Because, we will reach no conclusion whatsoever. And you know what's bad about it too? The fact that people won't learn anything from these kinds of debates because they wanted to prove to people what they believe is right, and not see the opposition's perspective.

I believe in the theory of Creation btw. Lol. Debated about it so f*cking hard in indodota.com, and reaching no conclusion. And the topic? It was closed.
this is aint a debate about theory of evolution, this is a debate about how did something can be said as a theory
theory of evolution can be turned into a law after millions of years of observations
Well for this case, no!
Cuz theory of evolution is just a theory made up of observations, no facts, no proof.
Something can be said as a law if it has facts and proof that it is correct (like the law of gravity); then it is a law. A theory, is just one step below law.
alex is right

i think alex has got a point here. the english support is lacking of err.... how should i put it, a spark :) to light up this community. perhaps alex has given a much too heavier issue. well, we all like homur, are we not?? so why don't we make joke of the language some find interesting yet deadly to others :D ..... yes, i am talking about english.

allow me to start with a simple joke. we all grow up with the idea that he, she, and it take 'is' as the to be. other subject take their own as well. simple tickling question is ' is it possible for the other subject (besides he,she, and it) taking 'is' as their to be??

wait for your response then.

good day
you know, wise? you're out of topic. this is not what Alex wanted to discuss.

well, I'll try my best to answer all of your questions (Alex, wise)...

@Alex, "something can be described as a theory" hmm... interesting, for a thing to be called a theory. people/researchers have to at least observed something, and make the result of the observation as an argument/basic of what he is trying to proof. once again, a theory will always be a theory until somebody finds the proof. then and only then, theory will be called a fact.

@wise, you got a point buddy, I've heard a B.B.King's (Blues musician) song that's tittled as "Is you is, or is you ain't my baby?". so? Well, Mr.King's english skill is undeniable (since he's an american), maybe 'is' can be used in a place of I, You, and other subject.
@alex: the idea is great..........but the topic is not so hot.........

let's use another topic, something that will atract more members....any idea?
probably it's a topic that's just relevant to certain people...
please sir... do not choose certain topic that's too heavy to other member...
this way... you got the vice versa effect... you simply wanted to discuss eh? but... other member just thought that this topic is too heavy to discuss... probably the admin should create a new forum that only intelligent people relevant to such topic could discuss...

ok... according to me a theory starts just from thesis...
a thesis... could be called an extraction of well-done observation about certain phenomenon...

from the thesis... it develops into theory... by advanced research and certain conclusion...

so.. a theory is simply a proven statement/opinion that is proved by research and other aspects that affects the relevant topics...
some people do the talking..
love discussion!

not interested though,
it's just too heavy!

can we start a different discussion
discussing about what we do in our daily life maybe or else some probs that
we went through our daily life :D
the Point is " how to make this forum exist "
with the discussion or the other way .....
maybe we can discuss about who is "momod" and "gmod" is? and how we come a "momod" or "gmod"

it just my idea

sorri english gw kacau banget
Maybe english corner is still at the "corner" know wat i'm saying?? The way is to drag this corner out from its "corner". A little suggestion, maybe a little promotion outside this corner. TelL the members what we hav inside. People like English, but they need to know first wat it's like. Maybe dat's it from me. Sorry, i use some slack English...=p
what the...is it all about brainstorming questionaires :D
sometimes I love to see what's hot for the day but after several days spent, I've decided to organize rss feeds to help serve our native nation's-always-lack-of-news & left-behind-civilization just to keep uptodate with TODAY's evolution so I can research on what might happen/be-most-looked-for in the future...not asking ppl to brainstorm those ;}
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