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Call of duty WAW, save-an ilang terus help

@gandoz3n ga ada file savenya. bingung dah !!
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map

Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)
Received packet 0 of stats data
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/pby_fly.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 0
Foliage: foliage model count = 0 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: already allocated 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING... - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING... - models
LOADING... - items
LOADING... - inline models
LOADING... - server models
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_fire_oil_water_flareup_md".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_fire_oil_water_flareup_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/flack/fx_flack_single_day_dist".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_1sec".
Error: Could not load fx "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/treadfx/fx_treadfx_dust".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_exp_shinyou".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager9".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager10".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail2".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_wick".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
LOADING... - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/briefing.menu".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/loadout_splitscreen.menu".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass".
CL_InitCGame: 0.46 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 1727388194
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: boldgame
Adding channel: boldgame
Hiding channel: subtitle
Adding channel: subtitle
Hiding channel: coopinfo
Adding channel: coopinfo
PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server loopback
Fade in 34579 1250
HARRINGTON: SHIT!... You hear that?
BOOTH: Zeroes! Right below us!
PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
BOOTH: Take down as many of those
damn planes as you can!
BOOTH: Get firing, Locke!
BOOTH: Radio the fleet! Tell them Tojo's
headed right at them!
BOOTH: We've got Zeroes! Coming in fast!
BOOTH: 11 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: 9 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Shit... Our right wing's torn up!
BOOTH: 3 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Fuck, yeah!
LAUGHLIN: 10 o'clock!
BOOTH: 12 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: 6 o'clock!
HARRINGTON: We're hit!
BOOTH: Your number two engine
is a ball of fire, shut it down! Shut it down!
LANDRY: Don't stop now!
HARRINGTON: I am trying! The controls are shot to hell!
LAUGHLIN: We got fire in the engine!
BOOTH: Hold it together, HARRINGTON!
HARRINGTON: Mayday! Mayday!
We are going down, I say again we are going...
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [5 destroyed]
BOOTH: DAMN IT... We lost Hammerhead!
BOOTH: We're on our own...
BOOTH: Okay people... the fleet still needs our help...
BOOTH: Anyone want to back out?
BOOTH: Didn't think so...
BOOTH: We're going into a hot zone.
I want everyone sharp and ready for anything.
BOOTH: Bastards wiped out most of our ships.
LAUGHLIN: Holy shit... Do you think anyone's
gonna be alive down there?
BOOTH: I see multiple casualties in the water.
LAUGHLIN: Shit... Poor bastards...
LANDRY: We better not be the only ones
responding to the distress call.
We ain't got room for all of them.
G_WriteGame 'pby_fly-8' 'AUTOSAVE_AUTOSAVE'
BOOTH: We'll do what we can... Taking us down.
Checkpoint Reached.
BOOTH: That's the way!
LAUGHLIN: Kamikazis!
LAUGHLIN: 2 o'clock!
Objective Completed.
Rescue All Possible Survivors [0 rescued]
Objectives Updated.
LANDRY: Sink those damn PT boats!
Before they rip our men to shreds!
BOOTH: You put a lotta holes in that PT Boat.
BOOTH: Zeroes!
Defend against Japanese PT Boats. [15 destroyed]
LAUGHLIN: 3 o'clock!
BOOTH: Shit... More PT boats!
BOOTH: 5 o'clock!
LANDRY: This is Black Cat Mantaray 54...
LANDRY: The fleet is down. Repeat the fleet is down!
LANDRY: We have multiple casualties in the water!
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [10 destroyed]
LANDRY: Taking heavy fire from enemy aircraft.
LANDRY: Requesting immediate support!
BOOTH: Landry! Any word on that air support?
LANDRY: I'm getting nothing on the radio.
BOOTH: Keep trying...
We better pray that they show up!
Removing missile at position ( 60122.929688, -38291.199219, 65671.117188 )
Removing missile at position ( 66689.382813, -38447.207031, 65624.351563 )
Removing missile at position ( 62787.273438, -40329.894531, 65805.007813 )
Removing missile at position ( 61546.847656, -47836.531250, 65951.023438 )
Removing missile at position ( 58961.765625, -53434.953125, 65652.000000 )
G_WriteGame 'pby_fly-9' 'AUTOSAVE_AUTOSAVE'
BOOTH: 9 o'clock!
BOOTH: Take out those fucking PT Boats!
Checkpoint Reached.
LAUGHLIN: Where the hell's that support?
LANDRY: There's no response!
LAUGHLIN: Shit! We gotta go!
BOOTH: Not yet, Laughlin. We can't abandon our men!
LAUGHLIN: Sons of bitches!
LAUGHLIN: 9 o'clock!
PunkBuster Client: Master Query Sent to (WAW1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
PunkBuster Client: Received Master Security Information
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LANDRY: You got it!
LAUGHLIN: 7 o'clock!
Defend against Japanese PT Boats. [20 destroyed]
Removing missile at position ( -17663.763672, -10967.439453, 65638.460938
Removing missile at position ( -20884.177734, -11607.968750, 65754.031250
Removing missile at position ( -18327.203125, -12360.790039, 65540.593750
LAUGHLIN: 10 o'clock!
BOOTH: Take out those fucking PT Boats!
LAUGHLIN: Direct hit!
BOOTH: DAMN! We're hit!
BOOTH: Laughlin! Make sure we're not taking water!
LAUGHLIN: I'm on it.
BOOTH: Locke! Take his place on the dual 30.
LAUGHLIN: Port side's pretty torn up, but we're holding!
BOOTH: Zeroes!
LANDRY: They're all around!
BOOTH: Keep 'em off what's left of the fleet!
BOOTH: Locke! You need to take out
some of those Zeroes before I can take us up!
BOOTH: Stay on that trigger. It's all on you...
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
Clear the skies of Japanese Zeroes.
Objectives Updated.
LAUGHLIN: Another Zero knocked out!
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [15 destroyed]
BOOTH: 1 o'clock!
LANDRY: That's a hit!
LAUGHLIN: Shit! Ammo's running low!
LAUGHLIN: Right 50 Cal.'s almost out!
LANDRY: That ain't good!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LAUGHLIN: 1 o'clock!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LAUGHLIN: Fuck, yeah!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
BOOTH: 1 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Dammit! I'm out!
LAUGHLIN: Right turret's out of ammo!
LAUGHLIN: Left 50's almost out!
BOOTH: You nailed that plane.
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [20 destroyed]
LAUGHLIN: Shit! We're out!
LAUGHLIN: Left turret's out of ammo!
LANDRY: Booth we got get outta here!
BOOTH: There's too many Zeroes!
BOOTH: Let's hope there's enough left on the front!
BOOTH: Locke! Make those shots count!
BOOTH: 12 o'clock!
BOOTH: We've got Zeroes! Coming in fast!
Objective Completed.
CORSAIR PILOT: Black Cat Mantaray 54.
Havok 26, coming over you now.
Objective Completed.
Missing sound alias 'snd_objective_failed'
Objective Failed.
Objective Completed.
CORSAIR PILOT: We'll take it from here...
CORSAIR PILOT: Get yourselves back to base...
BOOTH: Landry, prep for take off!
BOOTH: Laughlin, patch us up as best you can.
BOOTH: Okay... Taking her up...
BOOTH: How did we do?
LANDRY: We just got two and they're in a bad way.
BOOTH: Okay... taking us home.
LAUGHLIN: Halle-fucking-lujah...
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: oki2
----- R_Init -----
DirectX reports 1024 MB of video memory and 1110 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 1008 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Save Message First Frame Shown: 406246
Unloaded fastfile pby_fly
PMem_Free( pby_fly, 0 )
Loading fastfile oki2
Loading fastfile 'oki2'
used 131.00 MB memory in DB alloc

Fastfile for zone 'oki2' appears corrupt or unreadable (code 107.)

udah sampe naek pesawat udah selesai misinya tiba2 ga bisa disave ada bacaan kaya diatas !! pencerahan please
Kalo gitu susah itu mah :-/
cara terakhir ya install ulang lagi CODnya :D
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map

Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)
Received packet 0 of stats data
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/pby_fly.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 0
Foliage: foliage model count = 0 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: already allocated 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING... - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING... - models
LOADING... - items
LOADING... - inline models
LOADING... - server models
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_fire_oil_water_flareup_md".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_fire_oil_water_flareup_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/flack/fx_flack_single_day_dist".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_1sec".
Error: Could not load fx "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/treadfx/fx_treadfx_dust".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_exp_shinyou".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager9".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager10".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail2".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_wick".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
LOADING... - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/briefing.menu".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/loadout_splitscreen.menu".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass".
CL_InitCGame: 0.46 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 1727388194
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: boldgame
Adding channel: boldgame
Hiding channel: subtitle
Adding channel: subtitle
Hiding channel: coopinfo
Adding channel: coopinfo
PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server loopback
Fade in 34579 1250
HARRINGTON: SHIT!... You hear that?
BOOTH: Zeroes! Right below us!
PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
BOOTH: Take down as many of those
damn planes as you can!
BOOTH: Get firing, Locke!
BOOTH: Radio the fleet! Tell them Tojo's
headed right at them!
BOOTH: We've got Zeroes! Coming in fast!
BOOTH: 11 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: 9 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Shit... Our right wing's torn up!
BOOTH: 3 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Fuck, yeah!
LAUGHLIN: 10 o'clock!
BOOTH: 12 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: 6 o'clock!
HARRINGTON: We're hit!
BOOTH: Your number two engine
is a ball of fire, shut it down! Shut it down!
LANDRY: Don't stop now!
HARRINGTON: I am trying! The controls are shot to hell!
LAUGHLIN: We got fire in the engine!
BOOTH: Hold it together, HARRINGTON!
HARRINGTON: Mayday! Mayday!
We are going down, I say again we are going...
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [5 destroyed]
BOOTH: DAMN IT... We lost Hammerhead!
BOOTH: We're on our own...
BOOTH: Okay people... the fleet still needs our help...
BOOTH: Anyone want to back out?
BOOTH: Didn't think so...
BOOTH: We're going into a hot zone.
I want everyone sharp and ready for anything.
BOOTH: Bastards wiped out most of our ships.
LAUGHLIN: Holy shit... Do you think anyone's
gonna be alive down there?
BOOTH: I see multiple casualties in the water.
LAUGHLIN: Shit... Poor bastards...
LANDRY: We better not be the only ones
responding to the distress call.
We ain't got room for all of them.
G_WriteGame 'pby_fly-8' 'AUTOSAVE_AUTOSAVE'
BOOTH: We'll do what we can... Taking us down.
Checkpoint Reached.
BOOTH: That's the way!
LAUGHLIN: Kamikazis!
LAUGHLIN: 2 o'clock!
Objective Completed.
Rescue All Possible Survivors [0 rescued]
Objectives Updated.
LANDRY: Sink those damn PT boats!
Before they rip our men to shreds!
BOOTH: You put a lotta holes in that PT Boat.
BOOTH: Zeroes!
Defend against Japanese PT Boats. [15 destroyed]
LAUGHLIN: 3 o'clock!
BOOTH: Shit... More PT boats!
BOOTH: 5 o'clock!
LANDRY: This is Black Cat Mantaray 54...
LANDRY: The fleet is down. Repeat the fleet is down!
LANDRY: We have multiple casualties in the water!
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [10 destroyed]
LANDRY: Taking heavy fire from enemy aircraft.
LANDRY: Requesting immediate support!
BOOTH: Landry! Any word on that air support?
LANDRY: I'm getting nothing on the radio.
BOOTH: Keep trying...
We better pray that they show up!
Removing missile at position ( 60122.929688, -38291.199219, 65671.117188 )
Removing missile at position ( 66689.382813, -38447.207031, 65624.351563 )
Removing missile at position ( 62787.273438, -40329.894531, 65805.007813 )
Removing missile at position ( 61546.847656, -47836.531250, 65951.023438 )
Removing missile at position ( 58961.765625, -53434.953125, 65652.000000 )
G_WriteGame 'pby_fly-9' 'AUTOSAVE_AUTOSAVE'
BOOTH: 9 o'clock!
BOOTH: Take out those fucking PT Boats!
Checkpoint Reached.
LAUGHLIN: Where the hell's that support?
LANDRY: There's no response!
LAUGHLIN: Shit! We gotta go!
BOOTH: Not yet, Laughlin. We can't abandon our men!
LAUGHLIN: Sons of bitches!
LAUGHLIN: 9 o'clock!
PunkBuster Client: Master Query Sent to (WAW1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
PunkBuster Client: Received Master Security Information
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LANDRY: You got it!
LAUGHLIN: 7 o'clock!
Defend against Japanese PT Boats. [20 destroyed]
Removing missile at position ( -17663.763672, -10967.439453, 65638.460938
Removing missile at position ( -20884.177734, -11607.968750, 65754.031250
Removing missile at position ( -18327.203125, -12360.790039, 65540.593750
LAUGHLIN: 10 o'clock!
BOOTH: Take out those fucking PT Boats!
LAUGHLIN: Direct hit!
BOOTH: DAMN! We're hit!
BOOTH: Laughlin! Make sure we're not taking water!
LAUGHLIN: I'm on it.
BOOTH: Locke! Take his place on the dual 30.
LAUGHLIN: Port side's pretty torn up, but we're holding!
BOOTH: Zeroes!
LANDRY: They're all around!
BOOTH: Keep 'em off what's left of the fleet!
BOOTH: Locke! You need to take out
some of those Zeroes before I can take us up!
BOOTH: Stay on that trigger. It's all on you...
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
Clear the skies of Japanese Zeroes.
Objectives Updated.
LAUGHLIN: Another Zero knocked out!
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [15 destroyed]
BOOTH: 1 o'clock!
LANDRY: That's a hit!
LAUGHLIN: Shit! Ammo's running low!
LAUGHLIN: Right 50 Cal.'s almost out!
LANDRY: That ain't good!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LAUGHLIN: 1 o'clock!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LAUGHLIN: Fuck, yeah!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
BOOTH: 1 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Dammit! I'm out!
LAUGHLIN: Right turret's out of ammo!
LAUGHLIN: Left 50's almost out!
BOOTH: You nailed that plane.
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [20 destroyed]
LAUGHLIN: Shit! We're out!
LAUGHLIN: Left turret's out of ammo!
LANDRY: Booth we got get outta here!
BOOTH: There's too many Zeroes!
BOOTH: Let's hope there's enough left on the front!
BOOTH: Locke! Make those shots count!
BOOTH: 12 o'clock!
BOOTH: We've got Zeroes! Coming in fast!
Objective Completed.
CORSAIR PILOT: Black Cat Mantaray 54.
Havok 26, coming over you now.
Objective Completed.
Missing sound alias 'snd_objective_failed'
Objective Failed.
Objective Completed.
CORSAIR PILOT: We'll take it from here...
CORSAIR PILOT: Get yourselves back to base...
BOOTH: Landry, prep for take off!
BOOTH: Laughlin, patch us up as best you can.
BOOTH: Okay... Taking her up...
BOOTH: How did we do?
LANDRY: We just got two and they're in a bad way.
BOOTH: Okay... taking us home.
LAUGHLIN: Halle-fucking-lujah...
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: oki2
----- R_Init -----
DirectX reports 1024 MB of video memory and 1110 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 1008 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Save Message First Frame Shown: 406246
Unloaded fastfile pby_fly
PMem_Free( pby_fly, 0 )
Loading fastfile oki2
Loading fastfile 'oki2'
used 131.00 MB memory in DB alloc

Fastfile for zone 'oki2' appears corrupt or unreadable (code 107.)

udah sampe naek pesawat udah selesai misinya tiba2 ga bisa disave ada bacaan kaya diatas !! pencerahan please

itu agan mainnya onlen ya ?
itu yg gw spoiler emang harus di install ulang om ??
ah offline kok om. ane juga bingung !!

kalo mau installl juga. save nya ilang ga ?? filenya aja bingung ada di mana.............


pas klik icon star nongol dah itu. mau install ulang tapi file backup savenya ada ga ya ??
@gandoz3n ah gpp. di TA ini

ah ternyata saat install ulang COD. directXnya suruh install ulang jadi itu windowsnya eror ya ??
wiihh... ganteng begini. ga bisa tidur 7 hari 7 malem kalo ngomong kaya gitu

WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map
WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map

Connecting player #0 has a zero GUID
Going from CS_FREE to CS_CONNECTED for (num 0 guid 0)
Received packet 0 of stats data
Received packet 1 of stats data
Received packet 2 of stats data
Received packet 3 of stats data
Received packet 4 of stats data
Received packet 5 of stats data
Received packet 6 of stats data
DynEnt_WriteGameState wrote 2 bytes
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_DownloadsComplete
Setting state to CA_LOADING in CL_InitCGame
Player 0 no longer burning at time: 0
Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/pby_fly.d3dbsp

Foliage: --------------------------
Foliage: smodelCount = 0
Foliage: foliage model count = 0 (max=16384)
Foliage: sizeof(g_modelInfos) = 16384, element size = 1
Foliage: --------------------------

vertex stream 2: --------------------------
vertex stream 2: needs 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: already allocated 0 bytes
vertex stream 2: --------------------------
LOADING... game media
LOADING... - textures
Error: Could not load material "headicondisconnected".
Error: Could not load material "headiconyouinkillcam".
Error: Could not load material "objective_up".
Error: Could not load material "objective_down".
Error: Could not load material "compassping_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "objective_friendly_chat".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_busy".
Error: Could not load material "compass_objpoint_airstrike_friendly".
Error: Could not load material "hud_flashbangicon".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzai".
Error: Could not load material "hud_banzaigrenade".
LOADING... - models
LOADING... - items
LOADING... - inline models
LOADING... - server models
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_fire_oil_water_flareup_md".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_fire_oil_water_flareup_lg".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/flack/fx_flack_single_day_dist".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_1sec".
Error: Could not load fx "explosions/large_vehicle_explosion".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/treadfx/fx_treadfx_dust".
Error: Could not load fx "maps/fly/fx_exp_shinyou".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_american_smoke_grenade".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_flare_sky_white_10sec".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/grenade/fx_gas_grenade_22sec".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager9".
Error: Could not load fx "misc/fx_fire_manager10".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_burn_trail2".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/molotov/fx_molotov_wick".
Error: Could not load fx "weapon/rocket/fx_trail_bazooka_geotrail".
Error: Could not load fx "env/fire/fx_fire_player_sm_smk_2sec".
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_viewKickPeriod'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeInTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
'0' is not a valid value for dvar 'bg_shock_soundFadeOutTime'
Domain is any number from 0.001 to 1000
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_dust_default".
Error: Could not load fx "treadfx/heli_water".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_white_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "smoke/smoke_trail_black_heli".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/fire_smoke_trail_L".
Error: Could not load fx "fire/jet_afterburner".
Error: Could not load fx "vehicle/water/fx_wake_lvt_churn".
LOADING... - game media done
LOADING... clients
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/briefing.menu".
Error: Could not load menufile "ui/scriptmenus/loadout_splitscreen.menu".
*** CLIENT SPAWN 0 script_brushmodels 0 script_models.
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_bark".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_brick".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_carpet".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cloth".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_concrete".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_dirt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_flesh".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_foliage".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_glass".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_gravel".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ice".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_metal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paper".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plaster".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rock".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_snow".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_water".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_wood".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_asphalt".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_ceramic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_plastic".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_rubber".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_cushion".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_fruit".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_paintedmetal".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_player".
Error: Could not load material "terrain_scorch_tallgrass".
CL_InitCGame: 0.46 seconds
Com_TouchMemory: 0 msec. Using sum: 1727388194
Hiding channel: gamenotify
Hiding channel: obituary
Adding channel: gamenotify
Adding channel: obituary
Hiding channel: boldgame
Adding channel: boldgame
Hiding channel: subtitle
Adding channel: subtitle
Hiding channel: coopinfo
Adding channel: coopinfo
PunkBuster Client: Connected to Server loopback
Fade in 34579 1250
HARRINGTON: SHIT!... You hear that?
BOOTH: Zeroes! Right below us!
PunkBuster Client: PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
BOOTH: Take down as many of those
damn planes as you can!
BOOTH: Get firing, Locke!
BOOTH: Radio the fleet! Tell them Tojo's
headed right at them!
BOOTH: We've got Zeroes! Coming in fast!
BOOTH: 11 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: 9 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Shit... Our right wing's torn up!
BOOTH: 3 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Fuck, yeah!
LAUGHLIN: 10 o'clock!
BOOTH: 12 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: 6 o'clock!
HARRINGTON: We're hit!
BOOTH: Your number two engine
is a ball of fire, shut it down! Shut it down!
LANDRY: Don't stop now!
HARRINGTON: I am trying! The controls are shot to hell!
LAUGHLIN: We got fire in the engine!
BOOTH: Hold it together, HARRINGTON!
HARRINGTON: Mayday! Mayday!
We are going down, I say again we are going...
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [5 destroyed]
BOOTH: DAMN IT... We lost Hammerhead!
BOOTH: We're on our own...
BOOTH: Okay people... the fleet still needs our help...
BOOTH: Anyone want to back out?
BOOTH: Didn't think so...
BOOTH: We're going into a hot zone.
I want everyone sharp and ready for anything.
BOOTH: Bastards wiped out most of our ships.
LAUGHLIN: Holy shit... Do you think anyone's
gonna be alive down there?
BOOTH: I see multiple casualties in the water.
LAUGHLIN: Shit... Poor bastards...
LANDRY: We better not be the only ones
responding to the distress call.
We ain't got room for all of them.
G_WriteGame 'pby_fly-8' 'AUTOSAVE_AUTOSAVE'
BOOTH: We'll do what we can... Taking us down.
Checkpoint Reached.
BOOTH: That's the way!
LAUGHLIN: Kamikazis!
LAUGHLIN: 2 o'clock!
Objective Completed.
Rescue All Possible Survivors [0 rescued]
Objectives Updated.
LANDRY: Sink those damn PT boats!
Before they rip our men to shreds!
BOOTH: You put a lotta holes in that PT Boat.
BOOTH: Zeroes!
Defend against Japanese PT Boats. [15 destroyed]
LAUGHLIN: 3 o'clock!
BOOTH: Shit... More PT boats!
BOOTH: 5 o'clock!
LANDRY: This is Black Cat Mantaray 54...
LANDRY: The fleet is down. Repeat the fleet is down!
LANDRY: We have multiple casualties in the water!
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [10 destroyed]
LANDRY: Taking heavy fire from enemy aircraft.
LANDRY: Requesting immediate support!
BOOTH: Landry! Any word on that air support?
LANDRY: I'm getting nothing on the radio.
BOOTH: Keep trying...
We better pray that they show up!
Removing missile at position ( 60122.929688, -38291.199219, 65671.117188 )
Removing missile at position ( 66689.382813, -38447.207031, 65624.351563 )
Removing missile at position ( 62787.273438, -40329.894531, 65805.007813 )
Removing missile at position ( 61546.847656, -47836.531250, 65951.023438 )
Removing missile at position ( 58961.765625, -53434.953125, 65652.000000 )
G_WriteGame 'pby_fly-9' 'AUTOSAVE_AUTOSAVE'
BOOTH: 9 o'clock!
BOOTH: Take out those fucking PT Boats!
Checkpoint Reached.
LAUGHLIN: Where the hell's that support?
LANDRY: There's no response!
LAUGHLIN: Shit! We gotta go!
BOOTH: Not yet, Laughlin. We can't abandon our men!
LAUGHLIN: Sons of bitches!
LAUGHLIN: 9 o'clock!
PunkBuster Client: Master Query Sent to (WAW1.EVENBALANCE.COM)
PunkBuster Client: Received Master Security Information
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LANDRY: You got it!
LAUGHLIN: 7 o'clock!
Defend against Japanese PT Boats. [20 destroyed]
Removing missile at position ( -17663.763672, -10967.439453, 65638.460938
Removing missile at position ( -20884.177734, -11607.968750, 65754.031250
Removing missile at position ( -18327.203125, -12360.790039, 65540.593750
LAUGHLIN: 10 o'clock!
BOOTH: Take out those fucking PT Boats!
LAUGHLIN: Direct hit!
BOOTH: DAMN! We're hit!
BOOTH: Laughlin! Make sure we're not taking water!
LAUGHLIN: I'm on it.
BOOTH: Locke! Take his place on the dual 30.
LAUGHLIN: Port side's pretty torn up, but we're holding!
BOOTH: Zeroes!
LANDRY: They're all around!
BOOTH: Keep 'em off what's left of the fleet!
BOOTH: Locke! You need to take out
some of those Zeroes before I can take us up!
BOOTH: Stay on that trigger. It's all on you...
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
Clear the skies of Japanese Zeroes.
Objectives Updated.
LAUGHLIN: Another Zero knocked out!
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [15 destroyed]
BOOTH: 1 o'clock!
LANDRY: That's a hit!
LAUGHLIN: Shit! Ammo's running low!
LAUGHLIN: Right 50 Cal.'s almost out!
LANDRY: That ain't good!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LAUGHLIN: 1 o'clock!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
LAUGHLIN: Fuck, yeah!
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
FX_ELEM_LIMIT(2048) exceeded - not spawning fx elem
BOOTH: 1 o'clock!
LAUGHLIN: Dammit! I'm out!
LAUGHLIN: Right turret's out of ammo!
LAUGHLIN: Left 50's almost out!
BOOTH: You nailed that plane.
Defend against Japanese Zeroes. [20 destroyed]
LAUGHLIN: Shit! We're out!
LAUGHLIN: Left turret's out of ammo!
LANDRY: Booth we got get outta here!
BOOTH: There's too many Zeroes!
BOOTH: Let's hope there's enough left on the front!
BOOTH: Locke! Make those shots count!
BOOTH: 12 o'clock!
BOOTH: We've got Zeroes! Coming in fast!
Objective Completed.
CORSAIR PILOT: Black Cat Mantaray 54.
Havok 26, coming over you now.
Objective Completed.
Missing sound alias 'snd_objective_failed'
Objective Failed.
Objective Completed.
CORSAIR PILOT: We'll take it from here...
CORSAIR PILOT: Get yourselves back to base...
BOOTH: Landry, prep for take off!
BOOTH: Laughlin, patch us up as best you can.
BOOTH: Okay... Taking her up...
BOOTH: How did we do?
LANDRY: We just got two and they're in a bad way.
BOOTH: Okay... taking us home.
LAUGHLIN: Halle-fucking-lujah...
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
savegame request ignored
------ Server Initialization ------
Server: oki2
----- R_Init -----
DirectX reports 1024 MB of video memory and 1110 MB of available texture memory.
Using video memory size to cap used texture memory at 1008 MB.
Texture detail is set automatically.
Using picmip 0 on most textures, 0 on normal maps, and 0 on specular maps
Save Message First Frame Shown: 406246
Unloaded fastfile pby_fly
PMem_Free( pby_fly, 0 )
Loading fastfile oki2
Loading fastfile 'oki2'
used 131.00 MB memory in DB alloc

Fastfile for zone 'oki2' appears corrupt or unreadable (code 107.)

udah sampe naek pesawat udah selesai misinya tiba2 ga bisa disave ada bacaan kaya diatas !! pencerahan please

Kalo menurut saya....
setting resolusi terlalu tinggi dan mungkin VGA kamu tidak mencukupi utk loading resolusi demand

utk membantu coba upgrade DirectX nya....

coba perhatikan umumnya program tidak bisa meloading material nya....:D

WARNING! Map too large for complete burn map coverage. reducing burn map


Error: Could not load material "nightvision_overlay_goggles".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters".
Error: Could not load material "decode_characters_glow".
Error: Could not load material "killicondied".
Error: Could not load material "killiconcrush".
Error: Could not load material "killiconfalling".
Error: Could not load material "killiconsuicide".
Error: Could not load material "killiconheadshot".
Error: Could not load material "killiconmelee".
LOADING... collision map
LOADING... graphics
LOADING... maps/pby_fly.d3dbsp

utk memperingan beban resolusi kamu coba Option....
dan mengurangi resolusi di gafik dan tektur nya...>:D<




kita bisa mengatur manual dan memilih resolusi yang lebih ringan
begitu juga masalah tecture nya.... pilih yang simple dan tidak membutuhkan banyak detail yang berat....
semoga dapat membantu memperingan loading resolusi grafic dan textur nya....


pas klik icon star nongol dah itu. mau install ulang tapi file backup savenya ada ga ya ??

kalo ini biasa aja kok....
kalo kita pernah error dalam meloading game nya...
maka utk loading game selanjutnya akan muncul layar safe mode...

kalo selanjutnya dalam menutup game berjalan lancar, maka tab ini tidak akan muncul lagi kok....

semoga tebantu yah...>:D<
@bang gold wah VGA 1 giga tetep kurang juga ?? so upgrade DirectX nya di CD nya itu ya ?? apa harus download dulu ?? tar kucoba lagi

@samantha kalo ga biasa naek mobil jgn gaya2an naik mobil. jadi mabokan !!
weit VGA 1 Giga.....!! /swt

harusnya nggak ada masalah tuh....:D
VGA lapi saya pake NVIDIA GForce kurang 1 Giga...;) tapi lumayan dan nggak ada trouble tuh...:))
malah saya pake resolusi maksimal buat maen game COD WAW....
lancar abiss...:D

tapi kenapa banyak yang error yah....?

coba pake directX yang di CD nya aja....

kalo tetep masih error... pake rumus di LEM aja...;)

di LEMPAR.....! =))

piss.... /gawi
wah iya, baru nyadar kalo ini di TA
ga kehitung dah /swt
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