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BRTI translation


IndoForum Beginner A
No. Urut
11 Okt 2007
Nilai reaksi
FYI, if you visit BRTI's site at www.brti.or.id you'll find the website tag translation for BRTI (Badan Regulasi Telekomunikasi Indonesia ) as "Indonesia Telecommunications Regulatory Body" . Well, In my opinion, this is pathetic since they use "body" for badan . It's not a proper translation, I prefer to use "board" for "badan" than using "body". It seemed that the web developer used "transtool" in translating it. And too, since the general use purpose , I just think that "telecommunications" would not fit it, "telecommunication" would be fit it (IMO).
If they use telecommunication in a plural then It means they are the regulators for many form of telecommunication. It would be better to translate into single form. I guess, they think that they are regulator of many telecommunication operators in Indonesia so they put a plural form into it.

Well, how do you guys think about this ?
probably it should be centre/center , or Department of Indonesia Telecommunications Regulatory

it sounds funny for BRTI but I think they just can't be bothered to find a perfect name /heh
I think that they dont concerned too much 'bout this problem /swt
It appears that they don't use English anymore. Or am I wrong? On which page is it?
BRTI is a cool website thank you for the link.
I hope Indonesian Information and Technology infrastructures would improve in near future
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