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Anybody know some spanish here?


IndoForum Newbie F
No. Urut
17 Mar 2010
Nilai reaksi
Hello everyone, my name is Al and this is one of my first forays on the Web with the help of my granddaughter Emily. I was recently forced into retirement following many years in the railroad industry. I can't get used to this, so I'm trying to keep busy on the Internet. A short while ago, I met this guy at the church and, long story short, somehow became intrigued in what he was working on (aiding immigrants to cope with life in The Uunited States). I figured perhaps that's my calling, helping other men and women.

However I require a little assistance myself when it comes to the Internet. I'm attempting to find out what this sacar visa americana site is all about. I've tried several language translators but they do not make sense to me. I am sure some of you guys know some spanish, so if you can assist me or point me in the right direction for a good online translator I would truly be thankful for it. I apologize if the message does not belong here, I'm gonna have to blame my grandaughter for that :). The site is http://www.visaestadosunidos.info by the way.

All the best.
hope this will help.

it's kinda late. not sure whether you're still checking this site or not.
but since I just came in yesterday, and relogging again today and bumped into your thread, so . . . hope this would help you.
the site's talking about how to apply america visa.
I don't know in spanish. but this is for you in english, just go here:

. . . so good luck! . . .;)
you wanna take spanish course? i used to hear the place to teach spanish.. but i forget where it is
just use google translate and everything will be easy, see? /gg
Estoy aprendiendo el idioma español en mi escuela :-bd
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