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Konten Terbaru oleh novembra

  1. novembra

    What time did you go to bed Last Night?

    :(( poor me.. I got insomnia, and it has been several years now I couldn't sleep properly I sleep at 3 AM or 4 AM then should get up at 7.30 AM because at 9 AM I have to be ready in the office
  2. novembra

    Tell Me Your Hobbies...

    browsing the internet listening music movies of course and also.. reading.. many kind of books.. and most of the time... and i read it free by window shopping in the bookstore after work or during weekend hahaha
  3. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Equipment ************
  4. novembra

    How's Today...^^

    :( busy..... what a hectic day my desk was a mess.... papers are here and there but thanks God, everything alright the draft of agreements, contract, mou, etc.. has done tired.. of course:(
  5. novembra

    Ad yg pny tips bwt chesee stick?

    Cheese Stick gampang kok bikinnya... Bahan 1 kg tepung terigu, ayak 2 butir telur, kocok ringan 50 gr kaldu sapi bubuk 150 gr keju edam, parut 200 ml air 200 gr mentega atau margarine 500 minyak sayur untuk menggoreng Cara membuat 1. Lelehkan mentega, biarkan sampai hangat kuku 2...
  6. novembra

    Continue This Story With 5 Words Only...

    and then... all of sudden
  7. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Additional ********
  8. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Trouble ******
  9. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Rebate *****
  10. novembra

    Take the Tail

    well, so far as i remember, there is only one word "liniage" which I've written wrong and suppose to be "lineage" Would you tell me which else? Please check again. Thanks LIQUID
  11. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Hazard *****
  12. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Miracle *****
  13. novembra

    Let's Make Our Motto !!!!

    “The person who risks nothing, does nothing, has nothing, is nothing, and becomes nothing. He may avoid suffering and sorrow, but he simply cannot learn and feel and change and grow and love and live.” "to hope is to risk pain, to try is to risk failure, but risk must be taken, because the...
  14. novembra


    ;)) it could be
  15. novembra

    Take the Tail

    Lantern ******

